“With DSEI looming, it’s once again time to ‘stop the arms fair’ in its tracks”
via Steve Topple in @thecanaryuk
“Campaigners are getting ready to resist Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI), one of the world’s largest arms fairs.
#DSEI is taking place at the ExCeL centre in London between 12 and 15 September”
“This year, protests will begin on Monday 4 September, lasting for two weeks. The first week will target the setting up of the arms fair. STAF [Stop The Arms Fair] is coordinating the fortnight of resistance, with other groups organising specific events or days.
These days will highlight the intersections of the arms trade and the different areas and communities it impacts, including migrant justice, arms sales to Israel, the climate crisis, policing and prisons, and more.”
#WeaponsManufacturers #PurveyorsOfDeath #Ecocide #Genocide #HumanRightsViolations #Qatar #Bahrain #Turkey #SaudiArabia #Israel #STAF #StopTheArmsFair #BAeSystems #Elbit
#DSEi #weaponsmanufacturers #purveyorsofdeath #ecocide #genocide #humanrightsviolations #qatar #bahrain #turkey #saudiarabia #israel #staf #StopTheArmsFair #baesystems #Elbit
@tagesschau @guardiannews
I'm a Jew, living in #Germany and consider the "#Central #Council of #Jews" as bad and #Schuster as an #idiot. I'm a #Zionist. But I think #BDS is an understandable #response to #humanrightsviolations and the exercise of a #humanright by itself. #Humanrights are inalienable and indivisible. Even an #idiot such as #Schuster should be able to understand that. Nevertheless, #BDS is of course worthy of #criticism. Of course, I will not allow my #Haaretz or my #CheckPoint..
#germany #central #council #jews #schuster #idiot #zionist #bds #response #humanrightsviolations #humanright #humanrights #criticism #haaretz #checkpoint
Au niveau international, le ton monte pour dénoncer les dérives autoritaires du pouvoir macroniste. En ce moment, sur le net, une vidéo américaine fait le buzz. Elle met en parallèle les violences policières et les JO. Elle appelle au boycott des JO 2024
#Paris2024 #HumanRights #HumanRightsViolations #boycottJO2024
#paris2024 #humanrights #humanrightsviolations #BoycottJO2024
19 July 2023
#RashidaTlaib outlined #Israel's #racism and #humanrightsviolations
#IsraelIsAnApartheidState #IsraelIsARacistState
#NotMYHomeland ✡️ !
#JewsAgainstApartheid !
#BTselem, #HumanRightswatch #AmnestyInternational and anyone with common sense says ISRAEL IS A RACIST AND APARTHEID STATE !!!!
#rashidatlaib #israel #racism #humanrightsviolations #IsraelIsAnApartheidState #israelisaraciststate #notmyhomeland #JewsAgainstApartheid #BTSELEM #humanrightswatch #amnestyinternational
Head of Belarus’ Red Cross admits to deporting Ukrainian children
“When they accused the Republic of Belarus of kidnapping children who come to us for rehabilitation – frankly speaking, the Belarusian Red Cross has been, and is, and will be actively involved in this,” Shautsou said.
#RussiaInvadedUkraine #UkrainianChildren #kidnapping #abduction #RussianAggression #children #deportation #ForcedDeportation #HumanRightsViolations #HumanRights #RussianWarCrimes
#RussianWarCrimes #humanrights #humanrightsviolations #forceddeportation #deportation #children #RussianAggression #abduction #kidnapping #ukrainianchildren #RussiaInvadedUkraine
The European Parliament on Thursday adopted a resolution on Manipur, urging the Indian government to end violence in the northeastern state. The resolution came just after Prime Minister Modi landed in Paris for the Bastille Day parade. In the resolution, the EU parliamentarian denounced the 'nationalistic rhetoric deployed by leading members of BJP'. The EU parliament also called on authorities to restore internet services in the state. Watch this video to know more. #manipur #euparliament #euparliamentarians #modi #pmmodi #france #manipurviolence #humanrightsviolations #kukki #meitei #communalclashes #ethnicclashes #internalaffairs #news #manipurnews Hindustan Times Videos bring you news, views and explainers about current issues in India and across the globe. We’re always excited to report the news as quickly as possible, use new technological tools to reach you better and tell stories with a 360 degree view to give you a better understanding of the world around you.
#EuropeanParliament #India #FranceHosts #Resolution #ManipurSlamsNewDelhi
#manipur #euparliament #euparliamentarians #modi #pmmodi #france #manipurviolence #humanrightsviolations #kukki #meitei #communalclashes #ethnicclashes #internalaffairs #news #manipurnews #europeanparliament #india #francehosts #resolution #manipurslamsnewdelhi
This is incredibly horrifying that it was not only allowed and happening under our own government, but that a key figure is running for president.
#torture #desantisgitmo #humanrightsviolations #presidentialrace #statuscoup
Watch "Ron DeSantis TORTURER in Guantanamo Exposed - w/ Mike Prysner" on YouTube
#torture #desantisgitmo #humanrightsviolations #presidentialrace #statuscoup
Pig psyops say the word neurorights while pushing sound waves into my right eardrum and tries to read my thoughts. Haven't experienced a clearer hypocrisy. #HavanaSyndrome #GangStalkedonLI #DirectedEnergyWeapons #NeuroWeapons #HumanRightsViolations #HIPPAViolations #USA #NY
#ny #USA #hippaviolations #humanrightsviolations #neuroweapons #directedenergyweapons #gangstalkedonli #havanasyndrome
‘Disaster’: Palestinian homes used as Israeli bases in Jenin
Occupied West Bank – The inside of Bassem Tahayneh’s home in the Jenin refugee camp appears as though a tornado had blown through it
Israeli soldiers used many homes inside the camp as military bases and caused heavy damage to furniture and belongings
#Palestinian #civilians #WarCrimes #Israel #army #military #homes #residential #Refugees #RefugeeCamps #HumanRights #HumanRightsViolations #WestBank
#westbank #humanrightsviolations #humanrights #refugeecamps #refugees #residential #homes #military #army #israel #warcrimes #civilians #palestinian
So the sonic and microwave attacks are pretty strong since last night. It's early, they woke me up, and are attacking with waves.
Anyway, having any ideals in the USA is stupid, they do not allow for thoughts when they just need to torture and rape you. USA is not free or safe. Bunch of pedos run this place. #HavanaSyndrome #DirectedEnergyWeapons #HumanRightsViolations #LostGirls #SignalTorture24Seven
#signaltorture24seven #lostgirls #humanrightsviolations #directedenergyweapons #havanasyndrome
Cops point #Neuroweapons at my young daughter and myself, and drugged us with truth serum, for #Rape #Torture and hopeful for #HumanTrafficking. When we survived, the pain, violation, and torture from neuroweapons increased and never ceased. #HavanaSyndrome #HumanRightsViolations #NY #USA
#USA #ny #humanrightsviolations #havanasyndrome #humantrafficking #torture #rape #neuroweapons
Oh is there a crisis? Rich ppl lost under sea? #NoHumanRightsUSA #HavanaSyndrome #LongIslandNY #DirectedEnergyWeapons #GangStalking #HumanRightsViolations #Torture
#torture #humanrightsviolations #gangstalking #directedenergyweapons #longislandny #havanasyndrome #nohumanrightsusa
Over time, we've made all our problems
We can unmake them
#Ralph #sundayvibes #Commodities #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #necessities #basicNeeds #law #HumanRightsViolations #profits #murder #SundayMorning #SundayMotivation #vibecheck
#ralph #sundayvibes #commodities #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #necessities #basicneeds #law #humanrightsviolations #profits #murder #sundaymorning #sundaymotivation #vibecheck
So the Brookhaven Dump remains open, Eddie Romaine hands out contracts like mints, and I am #StalkedonLI with #HavanaSyndrome. Psyops are always with me. #HumanRightsViolations
#humanrightsviolations #havanasyndrome #stalkedonli
Dr. #SimoneGold of #AFLDS says #humanrightsviolations of #J6defendants is the biggest #civilrights issue facing America
#SimoneGold #AFLDS #humanrightsviolations #J6defendants #civilrights
Suella Braverman accused of fresh ministerial code breaches after failing to disclose Rwanda links | The Independent
#Braverman #MinisterialCode #MinisterialCodeBreaches #rwanda #AfricaJusticeFoundation #kagame #migrationpolicy #humanrights #humanrightsviolations #torture #murder #kidnapping #lackoftransparency #homeoffice #Sunak #SpeedingFine #graham #Quin #cherry #Allan
“Given what we know about biology across animals and in humans, efforts to represent human sex as binary based solely on what gametes one produces are not about biology but are about trying to restrict who counts as a full human in society.”
- Agustín Fuentes, anthropologist at Princeton University
#HumanRights #HumanRightsViolations
#humanrights #humanrightsviolations
The EPA finally extends federal protection to all tribal waters
#HumanRights #HumanRightsViolations #NativeAmerican #NativeAmericans
#humanrights #humanrightsviolations #nativeamerican #nativeamericans
“Automated Apartheid”: How Israel Uses Facial Recognition to Track Palestinians & Control Movement
#DemocracyNow #IsraelPalestineConflict #FacialRecognition #HumanRightsViolations #AutomatedApartheid #PalestinianRights #Politics #News
#democracynow #israelpalestineconflict #facialrecognition #humanrightsviolations #automatedapartheid #palestinianrights #politics #news