"A repressão na Arábia Saudita atingiu uma nova fase aterradora, na qual um tribunal pode condenar alguém a pena de morte apenas por fazer publicações pacíficas"
#alGhamdi #direitoshumanos #HumanRightsWatch #arabiasaudita #ALQST #AmnistiaInternacional #HumanRights #Humanity #HRW #penademorte #MohamedbinSalman
#MohamedbinSalman #penademorte #hrw #Humanity #HumanRights #amnistiainternacional #ALQST #arabiasaudita #humanrightswatch #direitoshumanos #alghamdi
#SaudiArabia: #HumanRightsWatch
"Saudi authorities are spending billions on sports-washing to improve their image.
But out of public view, Saudi border guards have killed at least hundreds of Ethiopian migrants and asylum seekers, including women and children, who tried to cross the Yemen-Saudi border." (Human Rights Watch - @hrw)
#SaudiArabia #humanrightswatch
Saudi Arabia: Are the killings of Ethiopians systematic?
#HumanRightsWatch #SaudiArabia #Ethiopia #Yemen #migrants #humanrights #migration
#migration #humanrights #migrants #yemen #ethiopia #saudiarabia #humanrightswatch
Vorwurf hundertfacher Tötungen: Äthiopien sagt Untersuchung zu
Die äthiopische Regierung hat angekündigt, Vorwürfe der Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch zu untersuchen - gemeinsam mit Saudi-Arabien. Saudische Grenzbeamte sollen Hunderte Menschen aus Äthiopien erschossen haben.
#SaudiArabien #Äthiopien #Jemen #HumanRightsWatch #Migration #Flucht
#saudiarabien #athiopien #jemen #humanrightswatch #migration #flucht
Es hat damals kaum wirklich jemanden interessiert, dass #SaudiArabien den Journalisten #Khashoggi hat entführen, foltern und hinrichten lassen.
Warum sollte es jetzt ermordete Migranten anders sein.
#saudiarabien #khashoggi #humanrightswatch
Saudi border guards are accused of the mass killing of migrants along the Yemeni border in a new report by #HumanRightsWatch.
The report says hundreds of people, many of them Ethiopians who cross war-torn Yemen to reach #saudiarabia , have been shot dead.
#Migrants have told the #BBC they had limbs severed by gunfire and saw bodies left on the trails.
#humanrightswatch #saudiarabia #Migrants #bbc
Duas #ArábiaSaudita ou nem por isso?
➡️ A organização não-governamental (ONG) #HumanRightsWatch (HRW) afirmou que os guardas fronteiriços da Arábia Saudita mataram, em pouco mais de um ano, centenas de migrantes da Etiópia na fronteira com o Iémen.
➡️ Al Hilal já gasta mais do que Manchester City em salários
#futebol #direitoshumanos #refugiados #iemen #HumanRights #Humanity #HRW
#hrw #Humanity #HumanRights #iemen #Refugiados #direitoshumanos #futebol #humanrightswatch #arabiasaudita
"Menschenrechtsbericht : HRW: #SaudiArabien lässt Migranten erschießen
An der Grenze zum #Jemen, vom Rest der Welt unbeobachtet, erschießt Saudi-Arabien Migranten aus #Äthiopien, berichtet Human Rights Watch - und ist alarmiert."
#saudiarabien #jemen #athiopien #humanrightswatch
🇸🇦🇪🇹 L’Arabie saoudite aurait tué des centaines d’Ethiopiens à sa frontière, accuse Human Rights Watch 📰 https://www.election-politique.com/revuedepresse.php
#RevuedePresse #politique #international #ArabieSaoudite #Ethiopie #HumanRightsWatch
#revuedepresse #politique #international #arabiesaoudite #ethiopie #humanrightswatch
‘‘Fired on like rain’: #Saudi border guards accused of mass killings of #Ethiopians
Report by #HumanRightsWatch details alleged attacks using explosive weapons and small arms on #SaudiArabia-#Yemen border'
#yemen #saudiarabia #humanrightswatch #Ethiopians #saudi
Na #ArábiaSaudita:
A organização não-governamental (ONG) #HumanRightsWatch (HRW) afirmou que os guardas fronteiriços da Arábia Saudita mataram, em pouco mais de um ano, centenas de migrantes da Etiópia na fronteira com o Iémen.
Al Hilal já gasta mais do que Manchester City em salários
#futebol #direitoshumanos #refugiados #iemen #HumanRights #Humanity #HRW
#hrw #Humanity #HumanRights #iemen #Refugiados #direitoshumanos #futebol #humanrightswatch #arabiasaudita
Human Rights Watch meldet Hunderte Tötungen an Grenze zu Jemen
Die Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch erhebt schwere Vorwürfe gegen saudische Grenzbeamte. Sie sollen Hunderte äthiopische Migranten getötet haben - beim Versuch, vom Jemen aus ins Land zu kommen.
#HumanRightsWatch #Jemen #SaudiArabien #Äthiopien #Migration #Flucht
#humanrightswatch #jemen #saudiarabien #athiopien #migration #flucht
Such reports make one doubt humanity.
#HumanRightsWatch reported that security forces of #SaudiArabia repeatedly killed migrants at the Yemen border. These mass killings include men, women and children.
#humanrightswatch #saudiarabia
"Saudi-arabische Grenzschützer haben einem Bericht der Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) zufolge seit Anfang 2022 an der Grenze zum Jemen hunderte Migranten aus Äthiopien getötet."
#saudiarabien #hrw #humanrightswatch #menschenrechte
#Tunisie: ce que l'on sait de la situation de près de 300 exilés subsahariens bloqués depuis 3 semaines à la frontière libyenne.
Victimes de "passages à tabac", "détentions arbitraires", "évictions forcées", "vol d'argent/d'effets personnels".
À lire en se demandant combien de fois le dictateur tunisien & la néofasciste présidente du Conseil de l'#Italie se sont rencontrés récemment, pourquoi si souvent & pour développer quelle politique pernicieuse.
#tunisie #humanrightswatch #italie
#USAShitShow : Cuts in #PublicHousing put #Low-Income People at Risk
#HRW #HumanRightsWatch April 2022
#housing #housingcrisis #globalhousingcrisis #lowincomehousing #federalhousing
#USAShitShow #PublicHousing #low #hrw #humanrightswatch #housing #housingcrisis #Globalhousingcrisis #LowIncomeHousing #federalhousing #section9housingact
19 July 2023
#RashidaTlaib outlined #Israel's #racism and #humanrightsviolations
#IsraelIsAnApartheidState #IsraelIsARacistState
#NotMYHomeland ✡️ !
#JewsAgainstApartheid !
#BTselem, #HumanRightswatch #AmnestyInternational and anyone with common sense says ISRAEL IS A RACIST AND APARTHEID STATE !!!!
#rashidatlaib #israel #racism #humanrightsviolations #IsraelIsAnApartheidState #israelisaraciststate #notmyhomeland #JewsAgainstApartheid #BTSELEM #humanrightswatch #amnestyinternational
This is not the first instance of Thermo Fisher Scientific equipment being used by police forces to carry out #repression. The company’s sale of DNA kits to police in the #Uyghur region (Called ‘ #Xinjiang ’ by the Chinese government, but known to Uyghurs as their homeland of #EastTurkistan) prompted #investigations from the #UnitedStatesCongress, #HumanRightsWatch and the #NewYorkTimes. The company eventually claimed it had halted the sales, citing “fact-specific assessments”.
#newyorktimes #humanrightswatch #unitedstatescongress #investigations #eastturkistan #xinjiang #uyghur #repression
#HRW #HumanRightsWatch urges #Tunisia to suspend expulsions of #BlackMigrants
8 July 2023
#hrw #humanrightswatch #tunisia #blackmigrants #antiblackracism #migrantrightsarehumanrights
Nicaragua’s people need a robust EU response https://www.euractiv.com/section/global-europe/opinion/nicaraguas-people-need-a-robust-eu-response/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #DanielOrtega #EULatinAmerica #HumanRightsWatch #LatinAmerica
#DanielOrtega #eulatinamerica #humanrightswatch #latinamerica