Swim, sweet Otter 841, swim! You were raised in captivity and now enjoy the surf along Santa Cruz.

But people do not understand how to respect your natural habitat, your rightful place in the world, and so we've tried (thus far in vain) to capture you without hurting you.

I hope we care enough to keep you safe. Or at least not kill you for nibbling on a surfboard when we're in your territory.


#animalrights #animalmatters #humansareanimals #seaotter #california

Last updated 1 year ago

I appreciate the sentiment of , but I still find the argument oxymoronic. To call all life sacred (as one of the photos in the article depicts) and then choose to end the life of other animals for enjoyment -- not for survival -- feels like having one's cake, er... lobster tail, and eating it, too.


#compassionateslaughter #biology #neuroscience #pain #suffering #AnimalCognition #animalrights #compassion #vegan #animals #humansareanimals

Last updated 1 year ago

Paul Peace · @paulpeace
572 followers · 301 posts · Server earthstream.social

Saturated fats > LDL cholesterol > heart disease & stroke.
Salt > high blood pressure.
High carbs > obesity > insulin resistance.
Go for the animals. Less farming harm. Be there for your kids and keep them healthy.

#veganjunkfood #wholefoodvegan #humansareanimals #ethics

Last updated 2 years ago