👀 How do we study #cancer? You're watching the cryosectioning of a liver biopsy containing metastatic colon tumor. The staining allows for the visualization of cellular abnormalities & tissue architecture > https://www.instagram.com/p/CxCtG4-Mpg4/
Thanks to Ilaria Mulas from our Computational Biology Research Centre!
#science #sciencemastodon #biology #lifesciences #humantechnopole
#cancer #Science #sciencemastodon #biology #lifesciences #humantechnopole
🤝 Welcome aboard!
🎉 We're thrilled to announce that Marino Zerial has officially taken the helm as the new Director of Human Technopole, leading the way in advancing #lifesciences research
#lifesciences #Science #sciencemastodon #humantechnopole
🔬 How to unveil a Chlamy organisation without expensive instruments and specific training?
Our Pigino Group with the University of Geneva, developed an ExM-based protocol to visualise the 3D ultrastructural organisation of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by using conventional optical light microscopes.
✌️ Published in Bio-protocol and available now to the research community.
#lifesciences #humantechnopole #microscopy #science #sciencemastodon
#lifesciences #humantechnopole #microscopy #Science #sciencemastodon
📊 New to the world of #statistics?
Watch the interview with Michela Carlotta Massi, postdoc at our Health #DataScience Centre, who shares her journey in crafting new statistical approaches for precision #medicine
#science #sciencemastodon #stem #womeninstem #humantechnopole #lifesciences
#statistics #datascience #medicine #Science #sciencemastodon #STEM #womeninSTEM #humantechnopole #lifesciences
👨🔬 From ant genomics to human gene expression, explore the scientific journey of Rodrigo Pracana - Functional Genomics Computation Scientific Service Unit - and gather insights about HT research.
"I was warned from the start that science can be a rollercoaster of emotions, with the worst of disappointments and the best achievements happening on the same day. Don’t let it get to you and enjoy the ride!"
#science #sciencemastodon #lifesciences #humantechnopole #genomics
#Science #sciencemastodon #lifesciences #humantechnopole #genomics
📰 Why do transparency and efficiency matter in scientific research publishing? Maria Polychronidou from @MolSystBiol provides insights into the publishing values and processes of @EMBOPress
#science #sciencemastodon #biology #lifesciences #humantechnopole #research #publishing
#MeetTheSpeaker #Science #sciencemastodon #biology #lifesciences #humantechnopole #research #publishing
🧬 Ready to bring innovation to the scientific community? Join us!
📢 We're hiring heads, managers, specialists, technicians, and more in our National Facilities teams.
A few days to apply!
🔎 Data Handling & Analysis ➡️ https://careers.humantechnopole.it/o/head-of-facility-national-facility-for-data-handling-and-analysis
🔎 Genomics➡️ https://careers.humantechnopole.it/o/head-of-facility-national-facility-for-genomics
🔎 Light Imaging➡️ https://careers.humantechnopole.it/o/head-of-facility-national-facility-for-light-imaging
🔎 Genome Engineering ➡️ https://careers.humantechnopole.it/
🔎 CryoEM & Structural Biology ➡️ https://careers.humantechnopole.it/o/electron-microscopy-seniorjunior-em-specialists
#science #sciencemastodon #sciencejobs #lifesciences #humantechnopole
#Science #sciencemastodon #ScienceJobs #lifesciences #humantechnopole
Cool in summer? Cucumber slices!🥒
🔬 Our researchers slice cells & mini-brains with precision on a 200µm scale using Aquilos2 microscope. They investigate diseases by imaging tiny molecules with electrons, combining with SOLIST technique for faster prep: weeks to days!
Thanks to @3P1L @KalebicNereo Flaminia Kaluthantrige Don Jasmine Nguyen @gaiaperone
🧐 Learn more about SOLIST: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.05.11.540146v1
#lifesciences #humantechnopole #science #sciencemastodon #cryoem #cryoet #biology
#lifesciences #humantechnopole #Science #sciencemastodon #cryoem #cryoET #biology
🔬 Sumana Sharma, MRC WIMM University of Oxford, discusses her research on T cells and inhibitory signaling using #CRISPR methods and the #Cancer Dependency Map.
“The Cancer Dependency Map provides the list of genes that are essential for a given cell type. This allows the researchers to understand which are the vulnerable genes in the model system they're working on”.
#MeetTheSpeaker #crispr #cancer #sciencemastodon #Science #lifesciences #humantechnopole
The public call for the pre-selection of experts who will form the Standing Independent Evaluation Committee for access to the National Facilities developed at HT has been published by the Italian Ministries of University and Research and of Health.
#science #sciencemastodon #humantechnopole #lifesciences #biology #genomics
#Science #sciencemastodon #humantechnopole #lifesciences #biology #genomics
🎉 Congratulations to Alessandro
Vannini, Head of our Structural #Biology Centre, for being elected as a new #EMBO member!
Joining an inspirational group of scientists, this lifelong honor recognizes his significant contributions to the #lifesciences.
#science #sciencemastodon @EMBOPress @embojournal @EmboMolMed #humantechnopole
#biology #EMBO #lifesciences #Science #sciencemastodon #humantechnopole
🔬Chris Tape, UCL Cancer Institute in London, leads the Cell Communication Lab studying how different cell types interact in cancer, using organoids & single cell analysis.
#cancer #lifesciences #humantechnopole #science #sciencemastodon
#MeetTheSpeaker #cancer #lifesciences #humantechnopole #Science #sciencemastodon
👨🔬👩🔬Together we win! Thanks to the collaboration with Università di Torino we'll be pioneering the development of advanced methods for detecting cancer biomarkers using oligonucleotide sequencing.
🔬Our #CollaborActions 👉https://humantechnopole.it/en/research/our-scientific-partnerships-collaborations/
#collaboractions #Science #sciencemastodon #lifesciences #humantechnopole
🔬Hear about Jolanda Van Leeuwen (CIG Université de Lausanne)’s groundbreaking work on genetic suppression interactions and the development of the #Cancer Dependency Map.
“I think the main challenges in the development of a Cancer Dependency Map are that you always have to make choices of what you can study”.
#MeetTheSpeaker #cancer #sciencemastodon #Science #humantechnopole #lifesciences
🚀 Embark on your scientific journey with us!
We offer 20 fully funded 4-year #PhD scholarships to aspiring young scientists from around the world through the #SEMM PhD Program in Systems #Medicine. Pursue a doctoral degree in Computational #Biology, Structural Biology, #Genomics or #Neurogenomics.
Apply by 24 July! More details > https://humantechnopole.it/en/news/20-fully-funded-phd-scholarships-at-ht-through-semm/
#phd #semm #medicine #biology #genomics #neurogenomics #lifesciences #sciencemastodon #Science #humantechnopole
What goes through our minds? Behold the wondrous beauty of neuronal differentiation!
The images showcase neurons derived from human pluripotent stem cells: a simpler system than that of organoids for our studies of molecular mechanisms.
#lifesciences #humantechnopole #sciencemastodon #science
Our research: https://humantechnopole.it/en/research/
#lifesciences #humantechnopole #sciencemastodon #Science
🔬 What are the next advancements in the field of #singlemolecule sequencing technologies? We talked about it with Francesco Nicassio (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia)
“Only together we can really find new solutions”
#science #sciencemastodon #lifesciences #humantechnopole https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JihuHbYmdYk
#MeetTheSpeaker #singlemolecule #Science #sciencemastodon #lifesciences #humantechnopole
Our cardioids are electrifying! 🤩
You're watching a 12-day old cardioid's pacemaker activity, derived from human stem cells at our Automated #StemCells and #Organoid Facility and captured by our #Electrophysiology Scientific Service Unit to study human diseases.
#stemcells #organoid #electrophysiology #sciencemastodon #Science #lifesciences #humantechnopole
🇯🇵🇮🇹 We are glad to announce the symposium "Building scientific bridges between #Italy and #Japan" with #AIRJ and #JSPS!
Join us to explore the scientific exchange opportunities for early-stage researchers in #STEM and beyond.
Register by 27 June 👉 https://humantechnopole.it/en/trainings/building-bridges-between-italy-and-japan/
#Italy #japan #airj #jsps #STEM #Science #sciencemastodon #lifesciences #humantechnopole
🔬 Matt Loose from the University of Nottingham talks about the development of tools and methods to exploit @nanopore sequencing to better understand human disease and disorders.
“The use of single molecule sequencing has been transformative to our work because it allows us to do things that we couldn't do before”
#science #sciencemastodon #lifesciences #humantechnopole
#MeetTheSpeaker #Science #sciencemastodon #lifesciences #humantechnopole