November 1961: Der Autor Stan Lee und der Zeichner Jack Kirby veröffentlichten zum ersten Mal die FANTASTIC FOUR, ohne zu ahnen, dass diese Reihe sich zur längsten von Marvel herausgegebenen Serie entwickeln würde!
#FantasticFour #ReedRichards #StanLee #JackKirby #DasDing #MrFantastic #JohnnyStorm #Hachette #SusanStorm #MarvelOrigins #BenGrimm #DIEFACKEL #HUMANTORCH #DIEFANTASTISCHENVIER #InvisibleGirl #TheThing #DieUnsichtbare #SusanRichards #INVISIBLEWOMAN
#invisiblewoman #susanrichards #dieunsichtbare #thething #invisiblegirl #diefantastischenvier #humantorch #diefackel #bengrimm #marvelorigins #susanstorm #hachette #johnnystorm #mrfantastic #dasding #jackkirby #stanlee #reedrichards #fantasticfour
I was planning to stay away from comics for a bit, but... this Strange Tales 126 accidentally got 2 covers when made. Note the ripped upper left corner. That's only the outside cover! The inside cover is just dandy. Stop in to see it and more! Also, this issue contains the first appearances of Dormammu and Clea!
8/1/23 Open 6-9p. No open containers, please.
#DaytonOhio #BonnettsBooks #WorldsOldestComicShop #SilverAgeComics #DoubleCover #StrangeTales #DrStrange #TheThing #HumanTorch #Dormammu
#daytonohio #bonnettsbooks #worldsoldestcomicshop #silveragecomics #doublecover #strangetales #drstrange #thething #humantorch #dormammu
Daily Sketch Challenge 28/06/23: The Human Torch.
#dailysketchchallenge #the_human_torch #human_torch #johnny_storm #thehumantorch #humantorch #johnnystorm #fantasticfour #fantastic_four #the_fantastic_four #thefantasticfour #flameon #flame_on
#dailysketchchallenge #the_human_torch #human_torch #johnny_storm #thehumantorch #humantorch #johnnystorm #fantasticfour #fantastic_four #the_fantastic_four #thefantasticfour #flameon #flame_on
I forgot that Phineas Horton’s synthetic man appears in a display at the fair early in #CaptainAmerica. Wonder if that will pay off in a future Marvel film?
#captainamerica #humantorch #mcu
Up next! #FantasticFour #MarvelComics #JackKirby #StanLee #TheThing #HumanTorch #MisterFantastic #InvisbleWoman #omnibus #TheWatcher #RedGhost #BlueArea
#FantasticFour #marvelcomics #jackkirby #stanlee #thething #humantorch #misterfantastic #invisblewoman #omnibus #TheWatcher #redghost #bluearea
I don't know how many times I've been in Johnny Storm's position after asking an extremely smart person a simple question.
#FantasticFour #JohnnyStorm #HumanTorch #ReedRichards #MrFantastic #Marvel
#fantasticfour #johnnystorm #humantorch #reedrichards #mrfantastic #marvel
#ComicsReadToday #fantasticfour #comicbooks #marvel #mrfantastic #thing #invisiblewoman #humantorch
Marvel Team-Up 1 - December 21, 1971
Sold by eBay seller absolutecomicsandstatues
First new comic of the year, and somewhere a soul wonders why I cracked this out. I only need 44 issues to complete this series.
#spiderman #marvelcomics #marvel #comics #humantorch
If the rumors are true about #AustinButler showing up in #FantasticFour as our #HumanTorch in the #MCU, then I would say #MarvelStudios casting has done it again!
I wouldn't get your hopes up on this one, though. It's likely just due to the fact that he's so hot right now after the success of #ELVIS and fans are fan casting. Grain of salt, people. 😎
#AustinButler #fantasticfour #humantorch #mcu #marvelstudios #elvis
“Could I BE wearing any more of Johnny’s underwear…?!”
-Chandler #Thing
#FantasticFour #FF #Marvel #comics #comicbooks #Friends #HumanTorch #JohnnyStorm #BenGrimm
#thing #fantasticfour #ff #marvel #comics #comicbooks #friends #humantorch #johnnystorm #bengrimm
Random #GoldenAge scan for tonight.
Cover by #AlexSchomburg .
Splash by #CarlBurgos .
#submariner #humantorch #Marvel #comicbooks #comics #carlburgos #alexschomburg #goldenage