Regel-Kenntnis , Bewusstsein, Entwicklung sinnvoller Maßnahmen ; demnächst wollen wir eine solche Übersicht aufbauen. #tutorial was muss ich als Verkehrsteilnehmer (Fuß, Rad, Auto, anderes Mobil) wissen
ToDo's & DoNot's
I was born into Christianity and the family I grew up with were rather religious. So, I think I have a pretty good idea what are supposed to be the values of Jesus.
But, every time I read about one of these bus trips with no conscience I can only assume that these governor's are Christian in name only.
They are abusing people who are only looking for a better life. It is sickening. #politics #immigration #humantraffic
#politics #immigration #humantraffic
Il #corraggio di cantare dello #HumanTraffic…
The whole world is playing human traffic
The whole world moving through magazine
The whole world circles 'round and comes back again
It's high on fumes and misery
Only, only human traffic
Only, only human traffic
Only, only human traffic
It circles 'round like a magazine
Questo è il motivo delle #Ong e finalmente una #Band del calibro dei #SimpleMinds lo denuncia in una canzone!
#corraggio #humantraffic #ritornello #ong #band #simpleminds
In the midst of the scandal Hildebrandt sent dozens of children out of the country and into hiding with other branches of the Church:
"When a second family in the church was investigated, Aylmer minister and former Hamilton resident Henry Hildebrandt worked with Ray Tinsman’s church in Dayton, Ohio, to ship about 75 children and their mothers south. Ray, his father Jerry Sr. and preacher Jerry Jr. are hiding families in their rural Farmland homes."
#cults #childabuse #humantraffic
I'm watching #HumanTraffic (the UK version, obviously) for the third time in two nights. Kind of my go to #movie when I need something comforting. And I need that right now. Badly. I'm twice the age I was when I first watched it. So maybe I don't relate with the characters as much as I used to but they are still so lovable and the flick is still comforting AF.