Trying to pay more attention to my compost pile and seeing how long it stays hot. Want to start #humanure composting, but I have been cold composting for forever and that needs to change.
First pick is from Sunday afternoon. Added to the pile the day before and the temp is 106F. Second pic is from this morning (Friday) and the temp is 104F it had rained over night so now I don't have to water it :)
Other options include #mycelium #remediation - primarily with oyster mushroom inoculation, and/or #microbial remediation via application of fertilizer - we'd probably use #humanure #compost
the last option will probably be the final step regardless of other remediation efforts.
#mycelium #remediation #microbial #humanure #compost
@thufie #buynothing live in a #solar #tinyhouse on a #vegan diet with a #humanure toilet and steal all the stuff you can reach
#buynothing #Solar #tinyhouse #Vegan #humanure
Nieuw artikel: Van Kringspier tot Kringloop. #kringloop #sanitair #composteren #humanure
#humanure #composteren #sanitair #Kringloop
Good to get some studies on using #humanure. Of course we've been doing this safely for millenia.
But I also worry that our sewage systems and our food have become quite toxic, especially when it comes to #PFAS and other #ForeverChemicals as well as heavy metals.
This would require a careful approach. Dry toilets and collection of faeces would be best, totally doable.
#humanure #pfas #foreverchemicals
@silphium Every fall I collect as many leaf bags as I can - this year was my all time record at over 100. I kill grass by sheet mulching. I never dig or remove it. Put down cardboard or empty leaf bags, then cover with organic matter - leaves, wood chips, whatever is abundant in your area. Folks w/ chickens have various composting systems w/ help from the birds. Also see Joe Jenkins' '#Humanure Handbook' for safely #composting human waste.
On the third day of #Christmas, my true love gave to me … some primo fertilizer in the form of French hen #poop.
Chickens, after all, are the planet’s third most prolific poopers after cows and humans. Speaking of which, Chapter 9 of Flush describes how #humanure can likewise help restore depleted soils by adding back a host of essential #plant nutrients plus carbon to nourish the ecosystem of soil-conditioning critters. It’s how nature has recycled for eons.
#science #bookstodon #books #plant #humanure #poop #christmas
On the third day of #Christmas, my true love gave to me … some primo fertilizer in the form of French hen #poop.
Chickens, after all, are the planet’s third most prolific poopers after cows and humans. Speaking of which, Chapter 9 of Flush describes how #humanure can likewise help restore depleted soils by adding back a host of essential #plant nutrients plus carbon to nourish the ecosystem of soil-conditioning critters. It’s how nature has recycled for eons.
#science #bookstodon #books #plant #humanure #poop #christmas
@tfardet I expect you had the links already, I just wanted to "yes and!" your excellent introduction.
I daydream sometimes about what sewage collection would be like if the rich countries had 150 years of optimizing a bucket-type system rather than a buried-river system. How clever would our lid interlocks be? How would we save haulage energy? Would we be better at not dumping everything in the bucket? ...District heating from methane extraction, take the reduced remains elsewhere for nutrient cycling?
I keep hearing of cities with such terrible subsidence problems that the river-wash-away system is getting more expensive: Jakarta, maybe Mexico City?
Oh, I forgot to hashtag but it's so useful on ActivityPub: #soil #seattle #humanure
World Toilet Day | November 19
#WTD #WorldToiletDay #PublicToilets #PublicBathrooms #NowhereToGo #NoPlaceToGo #GottaGo #IC #InterstitialCystitis #PainfulBladderSyndrome #BladderHealth #HealthAndWellness #PublicHealth #Hygiene #HumanRights #PHLUSH #FLUSH #WorldToiletOrganization #Outhouse #SawdustToilet #CompostingToilet #Humanure #PublicHealthAndSafety #PublicSpace #UrbanDesign #GoodCities #WalkableCities #Pedestrian #Walkability #WomenInArchitecture #NSGov #HFXGov #Halifax #NovaScotia #CBC
#wtd #worldtoiletday #publictoilets #publicbathrooms #nowheretogo #noplacetogo #gottago #ic #interstitialcystitis #painfulbladdersyndrome #bladderhealth #healthandwellness #publichealth #hygiene #humanrights #phlush #flush #worldtoiletorganization #outhouse #sawdusttoilet #compostingtoilet #humanure #publichealthandsafety #publicspace #UrbanDesign #goodcities #walkablecities #pedestrian #walkability #womeninarchitecture #nsgov #hfxgov #Halifax #novascotia #cbc
#StringBeanBodyType #goatsofmastodon #organicfarming #welding #equipmentmechanic #OSHW #machining #electronics #freecad #vegan #diy #3dprinting #automation #hydraulics #CompressedEarthBlock #housebuild #repair #enm #LeftAnarchy #libertarianmunicipalism #marxology #CitationsNeeded #TheAntifada #NostalgiaTrap #VarnVlog #nofap #climatechange #westvirginia #queeryourmarx #ToolLibrary #wwoof #ruralinternet #fabrication #dialectics #FarmHack #EarthenConstruction #wikipedia #humanure
#humanure #wikipedia #earthenconstruction #FarmHack #dialectics #fabrication #ruralinternet #wwoof #toollibrary #queeryourmarx #westvirginia #climatechange #nofap #varnvlog #nostalgiatrap #theantifada #citationsneeded #marxology #libertarianmunicipalism #leftanarchy #enm #repair #housebuild #compressedearthblock #hydraulics #automation #3dprinting #diy #vegan #freecad #electronics #machining #oshw #equipmentmechanic #welding #organicfarming #goatsofmastodon #stringbeanbodytype #introduction
@GwenfarsGarden I checked the complete thread about #humanure and the breakdown of drugs. Wow, a lot of opinions and speculation.
However, nobody mentioned the 4th edition of the #Humanure Handbook (free to read), which has a whole chapter on Pharmaceuticals in Compost (ch. 10, p. 114).
Essentially, #composting is the best way to degrade drugs in humanure, because of the huge number and diversity of microorganisms available. However, you do not know how your specific drugs are degraded (indeed, that would require more research). Therefore, better not use your humanure compost for edible plants.