We need to make Worthington's Law A Thing. Too many people are implicitly following it already.
#ElonMusk #DonaldTrump #WorthingtonsLaw #Twitter #BirdSite #HumanWorth #ValueMagazine #MrShow #BobOdenkirk #DavidCross #WayToGoEinstein
#elonmusk #donaldtrump #worthingtonslaw #twitter #birdsite #humanworth #valuemagazine #mrshow #bobodenkirk #davidcross #waytogoeinstein
Today's gospel reading (06.12.22): Matthew 18.12-14
At the heart of the Parable of the Lost Sheep is a simple, yet profound, message: Everyone matters to God who does not want to lose even one of us.
#LostSheep #HumanWorth