That being said, after reading the below article I have found a fresh perspective. I've learned about this pattern before. This is simply #HistoryRepeatingItself. Similar conversations and revelations happened during the #IndustrialRevolution around mass production factories eliminating many worker positions that had been manually done for centuries. Today, it's centered around #humanz being replaced by intelligent computers. Hasn't that always been the goal of computers, let alone intelligent systems? To replace or automate tasks humanz no longer want to do? Or did I misunderstand the whole point of the technological revolutions of our time?
#historyrepeatingitself #industrialrevolution #humanz
@pseudonym smart question. Forces one to ponder deeply about the true meaning of their life. IMHO [hits blunt] - Since money has no real intrinsic value anymore (even though we do "need it" in society), I would want my time 😊 I feel time is such a fleeting thing for we #humanz, so why waste any of it. It's the one constant we created that we can't control no matter what we do, which is ironic in itself. [hits blunt] Even though we all choose to waste "moments" in our timespace (ex:this post lol), in the cosmic scope we are a spec of space dust, existing in a spec of cosmic time, in a timespan too large to give it a comprehensable value - that, since we speaking in theories, ends in literal nothing. After the death of the last photon, the universe will be nothing.
[hits blunt] So, if at the end of everything, nothing means anything, that, to me, means my time in this universe needs to be the most important thing to me. Money comes and goes. Our time is all we have. [puts out blunt] ✌🏻
Maaaan, ALL I am seeing anymore on the wire is
"#Ransomware hits hospital"...
"Ransomware hits school"...
"#Breach notification"...
"Breach Notification"...
"Breach Notification"...
"#Cybercrime group take down"...
"New Cybercrime Group surfaces"...
This shit NEVER stops. It's a fucking #WildWest out there!
I know criminals never sleep, and their #greed and #ego is what drives them and their groups, regardless of whether they are online or IRL.
Stay #Safe.
Stay #Aware.
Stay #Secure.
Watch your back.
Help your friends and family be safe & secure.
And above all...
Protect #humanz.
Protect #life.
Be a #WhiteHat. #HugAServer.
#ransomware #breach #cybercrime #WildWest #greed #ego #safe #aware #secure #humanz #life #whitehat #hugaserver
@FlashMobOfOne I caught that as well. Outside of us #paranoid #ITPros and a small group of #TechEnthusiests who are mindful, most #humanz, unfortunately, are easily duped. We see it every day. Look at the millions of downloads of #malicious #apps from the various #AppStores, regardless of the hosts safeguards and #developer #VerificationMethods in place. However, this made me think of a #FlipperZero vector too. Just get close enough, and you could probably #hack it to affect the same result. They've already been used to hack #Ring doorbells with low effort. It's not that outlandish to think other #SmartDevices are out of reach.
#paranoid #ITPros #techenthusiests #humanz #malicious #apps #Appstores #developer #verificationmethods #FlipperZero #hack #ring #smartdevices
@Mrfunkedude LOL i can appreciate the observation! I always enjoy other #humanz #perspective