@theappletree not to mention that #Ireland - unlike the #UK or rather #Britain - remains not only a #EU member but is also obligated and following it's #HumaRights and #ECHR rules and statutes.
Meaning that Ireland can't legally flex on an anglican minority and would be obligated to accept their human rights regardless of political weather in the Dalí...
Whereas the UK went #NoDeal per #Brexit as they don't even want to follow such basic rules even #Switzerland & äLiechtenstein do.
#switzerland #Brexit #NoDeal #echr #humarights #EU #britain #UK #Ireland
The first time I met #JoeBiden was on a classified base where #StarWarsKids were trained. I was 5 years old. Both #GHWBush & #DonaldRumsfeld who were my handlers, instructed me never to engage with him because of the #danger. I understood why eventhough I was 5 and in kindergarten. I was walking down the hall where kids and adults of every age could be found at any moment. "I've been looking for you" he said as he walked toward me. It was 1980, he NEVER respected #humarights @icij @hrw #unwomen
#joebiden #starwarskids #ghwbush #donaldrumsfeld #danger #humarights #unwomen
The following is a letter to the editor of the Hill Time, published February 8, 2023.
I have been a subscriber for several years (2006?), and sometimes I can't help but to respond to some of the articles.
#canada #russia #china #ukraine #uyghur #uyghurs #Landback #selfdetermination #humarights #undrip #UNCharter
"2022 Human Freedom Index " (Cato Institute)
#freedom #ruleoflaw #humarights #security #safety #religion #regulation
#regulation #Religion #Safety #Security #humarights #ruleoflaw #Freedom
This thread has been quoting from a letter sent from Evin Prison, Iran by Nargess Mohammadi, detailing the shocking truth about sexual assault against female prisoners in Iran.
Nargess Mohammadi is an Iranian Human Rights activists who has been imprisoned since 2010.
#iran #humarights #WomanLifeFreedom
The Social Justice Learning Collective is holding an event on July 2nd, in Tokyo, about discrimination against people with Hansen's Disease. We will show the film "An" (Sweet Bean) and speak with Haruhei Ishiyama, who has spoken out with his fellow former inmates (people were forcibly quarantined under a law only repealed in 1996).
#人権学習コレクティブ #jinkore #leprosy #humarights