$18 for this #HumbleBundle of #TrailOfCthulhu RPG books is too much value for the money.
Weird question, but has anyone bought this bundle from Humble, and still have The Outer Worlds and the DLC bundle unredeemed from it? https://www.humblebundle.com/games/spaced-out?partner=jammerlee&charity=1796129 (affil info is a friend's). If so, I'd be willing to trade a key/gift link for the Spacer's Choice edition of The Outer Worlds, which has some new graphical additions and a higher level cap, along with all the DLC included to my understanding. #trading #gameswap #games #humblebundle
#trading #gameswap #games #humblebundle
Está a ocorrer, neste momento, um conjunto de livros no #humblebundle da versão gráfica dos livros "A Roda do Tempo" de Robart Jordan, por 16,50€, entre outras novelas gráficas de fantasia.
A Humble Bundle participa parte do valor a instituições de caridade e a escolhida deste conjunto é a "Direct Relief" que providencia serviços de saúde em várias zonas do mundo.
#humblebundle #mastolivros #Caridade
On a similar note, #HumbleBundle has a mega-deal for #DungeonCrawlClassics: 75 books for $25. Totally bonkers.
#DCC isn't quite my thing, but I know a lot of people who love it and it's real solid old-school fantasy adventure with a heavy dose of gonzo.
If your response to "It uses a d30" is “What? How does that even work!? Must be _wild_!” then this will be right up your alley.
#humblebundle #dungeoncrawlclassics #DCC
Sure, you can buy the whole bundle for $18, but for $1, the 3-book bundle provides the best bang for the buck for the Python programmer who wants to get into AI. The offer’s good for another 16 days, but you know what happens to procrastinators...
#HumbleBundle #books #deals #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Python #programming #TensorFlow #scikitlearn #PyTorch
#humblebundle #books #deals #ai #artificialintelligence #python #programming #tensorflow #scikitlearn #pytorch
Jemand Lust auf DISCO ELYSIUM - THE FINAL CUT auf Steam? Hab noch ein Key aus dem #HumbleBundle über...
Ich wollte was ganz anderes aber...
#HumbleBundle hat gerade 75 Sachen für #DungeonCrawlClassic auf englisch.
#humblebundle #DungeonCrawlClassic #dcc #pnpde #dccrpg
I started reading the Malazan Book of the Fallen series this year and love it; the whole thing is available on a Humble Bundle right now, so I'm the proud owner of the whole series plus some extra goodies now:
#malazan #books #epub #humblebundle
Sale alert!
#HumbleBundle has a 75-item pack of #GoodmanGames adventures for #DnD3e, #DnD4e, #DnD5e, and #DCCRPG—all for the low price of USD 25.00: https://www.humblebundle.com/books/dungeon-crawl-classics-mega-bundle-goodman-games-books
#humblebundle #goodmangames #DnD3E #dnd4e #dnd5e #dccrpg #ttrpg
#HumbleBundle haut gerade alle #Malazan-Bücher von Steven Erikson im Bundle raus. Mal schauen, vielleicht traue ich mich da ja endlich mal ran...
#humblebundle #malazan #fantasy
Remembering the #HumbleBundle indie #gaming age (circa 2010 till Gamergate) during which people pretended that Braid was better than Final Fantasy XIII.
Also Phil Fish proclaiming the death of the Japanese gaming industry...
The "who must go?" meme is appropriate here.
aktuell gibt es ein HumbleBundle von Malazan - The Book of the Fallen (alle 10 Hauptbücher, 7 Novellas etc.), in englisch. Verdammt, das erste Buch hat schon mehr Dramatis personae (lat. „Personen der Handlung) als die ganzen Warhammer 30k Horus Häresie Bücher zusammen. 😂 #humblebundle #lesen #bucher
There's a good deal on #Malazan ebooks at #HumbleBundle https://www.humblebundle.com/books/steven-eriksons-malazan-book-fallen-tor-publishing-group-books
Pretty sure these are #DRM-free too!
Be aware that the current #TadWilliams #humblebundlebook is NOT in downloadable #DRMFfree formats as usual, but forcing you on the bloody #kobo platform.
Yikes, I expected better of you, #humblebundle
#tadwilliams #humblebundlebook #DRMFfree #kobo #humblebundle
Hey #TTRPG fans, #HumbleBundle has some resource bundles available
Mostly random tables with some other stuff: https://www.humblebundle.com/books/tabletop-rpg-resources-dicegeeks-books (14 days left)
#Traveller stuff https://www.humblebundle.com/books/traveller-mongoose-publishing-books (4 days left)
#Pathfinder https://www.humblebundle.com/books/pathfinder-tales-paizo-books (12 days left)
#ttrpg #humblebundle #traveller #pathfinder
well my masked email at #fastmail eventually was acceptable to #humbleBundle, but if i click redeem it says i already have so now i have to do all the things. really not worth all this derailing.
Nouveau bundle #rpg #tourpartour intéressant chez #HumbleBundle https://www.humblebundle.com/games/take-your-turn-tactics-rpgs
Songs of Conquest, Jupiter Hell, CoroMon et Jack Move pour 20$ (il y a d'autres trucs mais je connais ces 4 là)
#humblebundle #tourpartour #rpg
Resident Evil fun
Eleven games to enjoy
Lockdown entertainment
#residentevil #humblebundle #lockdown #haiku #poetry
#residentevil #humblebundle #lockdown #haiku #poetry
Kotaku: Get All The Mainline Resident Evil Games For Just $35 https://kotaku.com/resident-evil-re7-village-re4-sale-humble-steam-pc-1850722773 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #actionadventuregames #videogamesequels #survivalhorror #claireredfield #residentevil4 #residentevil #windowsgames #humblebundle #leonskennedy #veronica #capcom
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #actionadventuregames #videogamesequels #survivalhorror #claireredfield #residentevil4 #residentevil #windowsgames #humblebundle #leonskennedy #veronica #capcom