More Hummingbird Hawk-moth action at Jubilee Campus Nottingham 1 of 3
#nujcwildlife #hummingbirdhawkmoth #macroglossumstellatarum
Hummingbird Hawkmoth is a fast flying moth & hard to photograph. I saw one yesterday, but had just filled the SD card of the camera set-up for speed. I managed to get some photos, showing some detail: wings are blurred because they beat so fast. An annual immigrant to Britain
#OpenStreetMap link is that my previous photos were taken in Austria just prior to SotM-EU in 2011, and in the Luberon just after SotM-FR 2017
#OpenStreetMap #nujcwildlife #hummingbirdhawkmoth #macroglossumstellatarum
Some pictures from today's excursion to Chalkidiki with @vivia. The weather was not good at all, it was windy and rainy, but we still saw some nice things.
The pictures are featuring a hummingbird hawk moth in-flight and drinking the nectar of a rosemary plant, a colorful male and female peacock and the stormy sea.
#Photography #Birds #Peacock #Cat #HummingBirdHawkMoth #BirdWatching #Sea #Greece #Chalkidiki
#photography #birds #peacock #cat #hummingbirdhawkmoth #birdwatching #sea #greece #chalkidiki
Some pictures from today's walk with @vivia. Again a nice spring day.
This time featuring: a group of 15 or so starlings on a ship's mast, a hummingbird hawk-moth sunbathing on some bricks (unfortunately I didn't catch it on a picture while flying around), some nice almond blossoms in full bloom, and a ring-necked parakeet on a tree's trunk with a hole that looked like it was preparing a nest.
#BirdWatching #Photograph #Starling #Bird #Moth #HummingBirdHawkMoth #Almond #AlmondBlossom #Parrot #Parakeet #Thessaloniki #Greece
#birdwatching #photograph #starling #bird #moth #hummingbirdhawkmoth #almond #almondblossom #parrot #parakeet #thessaloniki #greece
Damit wir alle was haben worauf wir uns im nächsten Sommer freuen können. Viele kennen das #Taubenschwänzchen (Macroglossum stellatarum) nur im Flug, anbei auch ein Sitzbild
#Schmetterlinge #artenvielfalt #lepidoptera #insects #insekten #Schwärmer #Sphingidae #HummingbirdHawkmoth
#taubenschwanzchen #schmetterlinge #Artenvielfalt #lepidoptera #insects #insekten #schwarmer #sphingidae #hummingbirdhawkmoth
More photos from my most recent visit to Vogelpark Steinen. Such a great opportunity to get some more artsy shots you normally wouldn't get in the wild!
Also included one impostor...
#birdphotography #birds #birdsinflight #baldeagle #harrisshawk #hummingbirdhawkmoth
#hummingbirdhawkmoth #harrisshawk #baldeagle #birdsinflight #birds #birdphotography