Freddi Fish and the Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse (Part 5): The Wheel and Trident
#ArglefumphTheNancyDrewDude #FreddiFishTheCaseoftheHauntedSchoolhouse #FreddiFish #TheCaseoftheHauntedSchoolhouse #HumongousEntertainment #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick #RetroGaming #RetroGames #90sAdventureGames
#arglefumphthenancydrewdude #freddifishthecaseofthehauntedschoolhouse #freddifish #thecaseofthehauntedschoolhouse #humongousentertainment #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick #retrogaming #retrogames #90sAdventureGames
Spy Fox in Cheese Chase (Blind) Stream 1 - A BRAND NEW SPY FOX GAME (for me)
#ColorfulArty #SpyFoxinCheeseChase #HumongousEntertainment #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick #Retrogaming #Retrogames #90sAdventureGames
#colorfularty #spyfoxincheesechase #humongousentertainment #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick #retrogaming #retrogames #90sAdventureGames
@mr_creosote Has so much fun with my oldest daughter playing the #PuttPutt games. She really enjoyed them and I really recommend parents playing these games with their children (before they get ruined by modern microtransaction games). You should also check out #FreddiFish also by #HumongousEntertainment. Thanks Ron @grumpygamer !
#puttputt #freddifish #humongousentertainment
Thought you may like to see this, it’s the first episode of a three part story featuring SpyFox that was commissioned by Humongous Entertainment.
#SpyFox #HumongousEntertainment #ComicStrip #ComicStripArt # Drawing #Illustration #FediArt #MastoArt
#MastoArt #fediart #illustration #comicstripart #comicstrip #humongousentertainment #spyfox