Ian Kluft ✅✈️🎈🌋 · @ikluft
160 followers · 961 posts · Server avgeek.social

"Electrifying volcano eruption set off the most extreme lightning detected" by @arstechnica / @quothravenrayne - New paper: 2022 explosion had 192,000 satellite🛰️ lightning detection events, most since era began. arstechnica.com/science/2023/0

#hungatonga #volcano #space #geology #weather

Last updated 1 year ago

IT News · @itnewsbot
3366 followers · 264701 posts · Server schleuss.online

Electrifying volcano eruption set off the most extreme lightning detected - Enlarge (credit: NASA)

When Tonga’s underwater Hunga Tonga vol... - arstechnica.com/?p=1950380

#volcano #science #eruption #lightning #hungatonga #geophysics #earthscience #atmosphericscience

Last updated 1 year ago

Tech news from Canada · @TechNews
695 followers · 20587 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
anlomedad · @anlomedad
475 followers · 2924 posts · Server mst.mineown.de

@carbonwoman @rahmstorf
Danke Dir.
Habe an Stefan eine Frage gestellt mst.mineown.de/@anlomedad/1106 , aber er ist ja selten im Fediverse aktiv und ob er dann Lust hat, auf sowas zu antworten...
Ich wiederhole die Frage hier mal, vll ergibt sich ja durch Deine Follower eine Antwort.

hat 150Tg Wasserdampf in die Stratosphäre geblasen, der ~seit Juni 2022 gleichmäßig über den Globus verteilt ist und mehrere Jahre sein Unwesen treiben wird. 3 Jahre oder so.
In einem der 4 Paper, die ich gestern zur Explosion im Januar 2022 gelesen habe, stand ein bisschen was zur Wirkung von mehr stratosphärischem H2O: irgendwas mit Ozonschicht UND: mehr Wasserdampf verlangsamt die Windbänder.

Da das Nordatlantik-Phänomen vll auch damit zu tun hat, dass der tropische Gyre langsamer ist, wie Rahmstorf mal in einem Tweet angedacht hat nitter.net/rahmstorf/status/16 , frage ich mich, ob der Wasserdampf von Hunga Tonga der Hauptauslöser der aktuellen starken Erhitzung im N-Atlantik sein kann.


Last updated 1 year ago

anlomedad · @anlomedad
475 followers · 2924 posts · Server mst.mineown.de

Ich hab gestern 3-4 Papers zu und seiner Wasserdampfinjektion von 150Tg in die Stratosphäre gelesen. Die waren alle aus Herbst 2022, bis einschließlich November.

Seit ~Juni 2022 ist das H2O in der Strotsphäre gleichmäßig über den Globus verteilt. Leider nur in einem einzigen Paper wurde ein bisschen was von den mehrjährigen Folgen durch H2O erzählt. Irgendwas mit der Ozonschicht. UND: Verlangsamung der Wind-Bänder.

SO2-Ausstoß der Explosion war in seiner Wirkung die höchste aller Vulkan- oder Waldbrand Events seit 2004. Trotzdem jedoch viel, viel kleiner als Pinatubo 1991.

Mir gehts hier aber um Wasserdampf in der Stratosphäre. Der wirkt GANZ anders aufs Erdsystem.
Kann das aktuelle NordAtlantik-Phänomen denn nicht hauptsächlich darauf zurückzuführen sein? Dass der Tropische Gyre langsamer geworden ist, weil der Wasserdampf in der Stratosphäre die Windbänder alle verlangsamt?


Last updated 1 year ago

anlomedad · @anlomedad
467 followers · 2684 posts · Server mst.mineown.de

was in January 2022.
And from what I read, it screwed with the weather in the Southern Hemisphere all last year due to the infusion of water vapour into the stratosphere. I faintly recall heaving read that Hunga Tonga's effect on the Northern Hemisphere weather will (be the opposite and?) arrive a year later –  now, like.
Sadly, you're not actually communicating in the Fediverse or I'd ask you for correction or confirmation.
Be well.


Last updated 1 year ago

Ian Kluft ✅✈️🎈🌋 · @ikluft
151 followers · 797 posts · Server avgeek.social

"Tonga Eruption Was So Powerful it Disrupted Satellites Half a World Away" by @UniverseToday - 2022 explosive eruption briefly expanded the atmosphere, causing ionization which disrupted satellite🛰️ radio communications universetoday.com/161516/the-t

#hungatonga #volcano #geology #space

Last updated 1 year ago

Ian Kluft ✅✈️🎈🌋 · @ikluft
151 followers · 796 posts · Server avgeek.social

Reaction to PBS Nova "Hidden Abyss" episode first aired May 10
( Good: eyewitness near explosion, satellite imagery, tsunami readiness in Tonga minimized fatalities to 3
* Odd omissions: comparison to Krakatoa 1883 eruption, global air pressure wave

#volcano #hungatonga #geology

Last updated 1 year ago

anlomedad · @anlomedad
460 followers · 1881 posts · Server mst.mineown.de

Cool metareview writeup from 2011
sciencedirect.com/science/arti (€)
or here:
It covers with regards to today's and due to ice loss and resulting crust rebound – and also due to from ice melt .

Tl;dr We're in for quakes, volcano eruptions, landslides and : all caused by ice loss... Not necessarily increased in numbers when looking at a long timespan like a century or so. But the events will be occurring in clusters – because all events will be having the same trigger: ice melt from ClimateChange, heinously brought to you by the people working at

Sea level rise itself only puts stress on a near-coastal or , causing faults to slip sooner which were already near-slipping, or volcanos to erupt sooner.
(But: what makes a fault to be near-slipping or volcanos to be near-eruption? Stress of course. And what increases stress on all coastal faults or volcanos, and simultaneously? Climate change of course. So... I'd actually suspect the number of events to be increasing, as well. )

Away from the coasts in the oceans, quietens fault lines and underwater volcanos due to the extra weight, the article says.
( is an underwater volcano, caused a tsunami January 2021, and increased water vapor in the Southern STRATOsphere by 5% .
Sea level rise?
And were the landslides / quakes that caused tsunamis in 2004 and 2011 far out in the ocean, or were they close enough to the coast to have been triggered by sea level rise? )

Also mentioned: the temporary de(!)crease in sea level by 20cm on Easter Island before an raises the monthly numbers from average 5 to 8 ^^

Once enough weight is lifted, dormant volcanos and dormant fault lines in will be triggered, the article says.
Crust rebound, quakes and volcanic eruptions from shedding ice is also particularly problematic in .

#climatechange #quakes #volcanism #sealevelrise #tsunami #exxon #shell #rwe #audi #porsche #mercedes #ford #renault #mitsubishi #toyota #lufthansa #klm #virginair #quantas #airnewzealand #faultline #volcano #slr #hungatonga #elnino #earthquake #antarctica #iceland

Last updated 2 years ago

Hakai Magazine · @hakaimagazine
598 followers · 66 posts · Server sciencemastodon.com

In 2021 the massive Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha‘apai eruption shows that underwater volcanoes are more diverse, and in some cases more capable of extreme behavior, than anyone thought.

Story reprinted with permission from Wired as part of the Climate Desk collaboration.


#volcano #tonga #geology #science #hungatonga #oceans

Last updated 2 years ago

anlomedad · @anlomedad
382 followers · 253 posts · Server mst.mineown.de

Die Region Europa zeigt die beiden sprunghaften Anstiege in den 90ern und noch mal 2014 genauso wie in Rahmstorfs Deutschland-Chart.
Aber Südamerika hatte den Sprung erst in den 0er Jahren, dort von 19.5 auf 19.8ºC.
Den Sprung, den DE in 2014 machte, hat Südamerika erst 2015 erlebt.

Dass es dort 2022 so kühl wie davor zuletzt in 2010 war, lag wohl an der Eruption vom Unterwasservulkan im Januar 2022, die so viel zusätzlichen Wasserdampf bis hoch in die Stratosphäre gebracht hat. Davon hatte die Nordhalbkugel nix mitbekommen.

Charts der ERA5-Reanalysis hier: climatereanalyzer.org/reanalys



Last updated 2 years ago

Int. Seism. Centre (ISC) · @ISC
146 followers · 17 posts · Server mastodon.world

One year after, already lots of interesting papers studying the eruption:

#hungatonga #hungahaapai

Last updated 2 years ago

Ian Kluft · @ikluft
69 followers · 94 posts · Server avgeek.social

"A year on, we now know why Tongan eruption was so violent. It's a wake-up call to watch other submarine volcanoes" by Phys_Org - 7.1km³ of magma erupted in under 12 hours. Caldera (crater) 4km wide and 1km deep. phys.org/news/2023-01-year-ton

#hungatonga #volcano #geology #history

Last updated 2 years ago

Ian Kluft · @ikluft
51 followers · 50 posts · Server avgeek.social

January 15, 2022 explosion caused a Pacific Ocean . Air pressure wave measured at stations around the world. That's so rare, the only previously-recorded time a volcanic island exploded like that was Krakatoa in 1883. (NASA image)

#hungatonga #volcano #tsunami #weather #geology

Last updated 2 years ago

IT News · @itnewsbot
1661 followers · 238595 posts · Server schleuss.online

Hunga Tonga eruption put over 50B kilograms of water into the stratosphere - Enlarge / The Hunga Tonga eruption started under water, yet still blast... - arstechnica.com/?p=1883835

#climate #science #volcanoes #hungatonga #earthscience #atmosphericscience

Last updated 2 years ago