Man spricht von Veredelungsverlusten, wenn pflanzliche Erzeugnisse an #Tiere verfüttert werden, um #Fleisch, #Milch oder #Eier zu produzieren. Beispielsweise benötigt man für die Produktion von einem Kilogramm #Rindfleisch rund zehn Kilogramm #Getreide.
Bis zu 783 Millionen #Menschen weltweit leiden im Jahr 2022 an #Hunger.
2,4 Milliarden Menschen – rund 30 Prozent der Weltbevölkerung – haben keinen Zugang zu einer ausreichenden und gesunden #Ernährung; betroffen sind insbesondere Frauen und Menschen, die in ländlichen Gebieten leben.
Die Kosten für eine gesunde Ernährung sind so hoch, dass sich über 3 Milliarden Menschen – also 42 Prozent der Menschheit – keine gesunde Ernährung leisten können. Diese Zahl steigt seit 2019 an.
Der aktuelle Bericht stellt außerdem fest, dass rund 148 Millionen #Kinder unter fünf Jahren chronisch unterernährt sind, und 45 Mill. Kinder an akuter Unterernährung leiden.,auch%20andere%20Verluste%20sind%20bedeutsam.
#Ethik #Verantwortung #veganforlive #Landwirtschaft #Ernährung #veredlungsverluste
#veredlungsverluste #landwirtschaft #veganforlive #verantwortung #ethik #kinder #ernahrung #hunger #menschen #getreide #rindfleisch #eier #milch #fleisch #tiere
The Truth Is Stronger Than the Baton – THE 99%
Trickle-Down – Tragically Hip
A musical offering of one of my favorite songs. Someone set it to images of "Occupy" and other protests against injustice and fascist oppression.
Are the hungry, homeless, and hurting the problem or the hateful haughty hypocrites? You are the 99%.
“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.
#SocialJustice #activism #hunger #homelessness #poverty #disability #protest
#TragicallyHip #TrickleDown #music #FightTheRight #InvisibleDisabilityRights
#socialjustice #activism #hunger #homelessness #poverty #disability #protest #tragicallyhip #trickledown #Music #fighttheright #InvisibleDisabilityRights
The Truth Is Stronger Than the Baton – THE 99%
Trickle-Down – Tragically Hip
A musical offering of one of my favorite songs. Someone set it to images of "Occupy" and other protests against injustice and fascist oppression.
Are the hungry, homeless, and hurting the problem or the hateful haughty hypocrites? You are the 99%.
“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.
#SocialJustice #activism #hunger #homelessness #poverty #protest
#TragicallyHip #TrickleDown #music #FightTheRight
#socialjustice #activism #hunger #homelessness #poverty #protest #tragicallyhip #trickledown #Music #fighttheright
Ambiguous impulses for your own mental cinema. Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic colours on DIN-A4 paper, no NFTs:
#kunst #contemporaryArt #makeArtNotWar #mentalCinema #handCarvedStamp #saveBiodiversity #climateActionNow #systemChange #endFossilFuels #makeArtNotWar #fckFdp #fckAfd #fckPtn #standForUkraine #Нетвойны #toxicMasculinity #whatIsVictory #whatFor #pacifism #wheat #nutrition #hunger #famine #harvest #screamingHead #emblematy #handWithEye #watchingYou #observation #surveillance
#kunst #contemporaryart #makeartnotwar #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fckfdp #fckafd #fckptn #standforukraine #нетвойны #toxicmasculinity #whatisvictory #whatfor #pacifism #wheat #nutrition #hunger #famine #harvest #screaminghead #emblematy #handwitheye #watchingyou #observation #surveillance
#Kleptocracy #BeyondBelief: The crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is "beyond belief," says #humanitarian leader Jan Egeland of Norway. "Nowhere else in the world is there more than 25 million people experiencing #violence, #hunger, #disease, #neglect."
#ResourceTheft #NewColdWar #DeterioratingCarbonSinks
#Kleptocracy #beyondbelief #humanitarian #violence #hunger #disease #neglect #resourcetheft #newcoldwar #deterioratingcarbonsinks
UK planes guard Ukrainian grain ships in Black Sea
UK began providing aviation security to Ukrainian ports following Russian attacks on grain infrastructure in July, when Russia withdrew from the Black Sea Grain Initiative
“We will use our intelligence, surveillance, & reconnaissance to monitor Russian activity in the Black Sea”
#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianWarCrimes #GrainExports #Ukraine #BlackSea #RAF #UK #grain #food #hunger #FoodShortages #StandWithUkraine
#StandWithUkraine #foodshortages #hunger #food #grain #uk #raf #blacksea #ukraine #grainexports #RussianWarCrimes #RussiaInvadedUkraine
Un don de 1 million de ration de pâtes, vous avez l'impression que c'est énorme, non ?
Il y a 16% des français qui ont faim en France. Arrondi, ça fait 10 millions.
Donc ce don, ça représente une ration à partager entre 10 personnes. Une seule fois.
Après le #greenwashing, le #hunger washing.
#greenwashing #hunger #panzani #faim
UN cuts food assistance for 2 million Afghans due to lack of funding
> This brings the total number of people cut off from WFP support this year to 10 million. #Afghanistan #UN #WFP #poverty #hunger
#hunger #poverty #wfp #un #Afghanistan
und #ARMUT #HUNGER #TOD weltweit grassieren würde! Und endlich etwas für die #Klimakatastrophe übrig bleibt,die hauptsächlich von den oberen 10% u den Armeen dieser Welt verursacht werden!
#Umdenken❓Ja bitte‼️
#umdenken #KlimaKatastrophe #Tod #hunger #armut
Brot für die Welt konnte 2022 in Württemberg ähnlich viel Geld sammeln wie 2021 - fast 9,5 Millionen Euro. Bundesweit kamen mehr als 75,6 Millionen Euro zusammen. Oberkirchenrätin Dr. Annette Noller weist in ihrem Dank darauf hin, dass der Ukraine-Krieg den Hunger in der Welt verschlimmere. Mehr lesen:
#brotfürdiewelt #hunger #elkwue #diakonie #dww #hungersnot #ukrainekrieg #kirche #evangelisch #spenden
#spenden #evangelisch #kirche #UkraineKrieg #Hungersnot #dww #diakonie #elkwue #hunger #brotfurdiewelt
Chef Andre posted today that World Central Kitchen & #ChefsForFlorida are ready to support FEMA's efforts. WC Kitchen is helping feed people in need all over the world: Ukraine, Maui, Chile... #Hunger #HumanRights #Idalia
Please remember World Central Kitchen in your giving:
#chefsforflorida #hunger #humanrights #idalia
Hier in der #Stadt stehen neuerdings hippe alternativ aussehende junge Menschen und werben für "Aktion gegen den Hunger" . Zumindest steht das auf den Umhängeschildern.
Angesprochen werden ausschließlich junge Menschen.
Ist das reell? Ich wittere immer Drückerkolonnen, aber vlt guck ich auch zuviel TV #Tatort
#Spenden einwerben
#Nepp oder #seriös ?
#Hunger bekämpfen
#stadt #tatort #Straßenwerbung #spenden #Nepp #serios #hunger
"Frederick Douglass, who was born into Southern #slavery, described the South as “a little nation by itself, having its own language, its own rules, regulations, and customs.”
Fewer than 2000 families — six-tenths of one percent of the Southern #population — owned more than 50 enslaved people and ruled the #oligarchy that we call the #Confederacy with an iron fist. The 75 percent of white #people in the South during that era who did not own any enslaved persons generally lived in deep #poverty.
#Women had no rights, #queer people were routinely #tortured and #murdered, #education for both enslaved #Africans and poor whites was generally outlawed, #religious attendance was often mandated, and #hunger and #disease stalked all but those in the #families of the two thousand morbidly #rich planter #dynasties.
#Modern-day Red states are doing their best to recreate that old Confederacy, right down to state Senator Kathy #Chism’s new effort to return the Confederate battle flag to #Mississippi's state flag. Ron #DeSantis and Mike #Pence have both emphasized their presidential pledges to restore the names of murderous Civil #War #traitors to #American #military bases, celebrating their armed defense of the “values” of the Old South.
Today’s version of yesteryear’s #plantation owners are called #CEOs, hedge and vulture fund managers, and the morbidly rich.
They use the power of #political #bribery given them by five corrupt #Republicans on the #SupremeCourt — with Clarence #Thomas’ tie-breaking #Citizens United vote on behalf of his sugar daddy Harlan #Crow — to lord over their Red states, regardless of the will of those states’ citizens."
#slavery #population #oligarchy #confederacy #people #poverty #women #queer #tortured #murdered #education #africans #religious #hunger #disease #families #rich #dynasties #modern #chism #mississippi #desantis #pence #war #traitors #american #military #plantation #CEOs #political #bribery #republicans #supremecourt #thomas #citizens #crow
Title: #Hagiography and the #Gusto-#Facial #Response
Author: #Declan #McManus
Language: #Basque, modern
Depth of recovery: 1,119m
Description: A #libretto for an #opera considering the #plight of a group of #Alaskan #firemen snow-bound in their #firehouse, driven #mad with #hunger, and forced to eat their #Dalmatians. #Dialogue consists entirely of #rhetorical #questions.
#scp #1986
#hagiography #gusto #facial #response #declan #mcmanus #basque #Libretto #opera #plight #alaskan #firemen #firehouse #mad #hunger #dalmatians #dialogue #rhetorical #questions #scp
Die EU-Propaganda über die Lebensmittelpreise im Faktencheck #MeldungenderrussischenMedien #Sacharowa #Getreide #Russland #Hunger #Weizen #EU
#eu #weizen #hunger #russland #getreide #sacharowa #meldungenderrussischenmedien
😡 Wie schön, auf dem #Mond zu landen...
❗...ohne die gravierenden Probleme #Indiens irgendwie tatsächlich in Angriff zu nehmen: #Hunger #Kastensystem (#Kasten) #Hindunationalismus #Autoritatismus ... #Faschismus #Rassismus #Modi #Ungleichverteilung von #Vermögen #Armut ❗ #Imperialismus, vom #Klimawandel ganz zu schweigen.
→ #Schulunterricht #Schule #Gesellschaft #Welt #Bildung #FDP--
#mond #indien #hunger #kastensystem #kaste #HinduNationalismus #autoritatismus #faschismus #rassismus #modi #ungleichverteilung #vermogen #armut #imperialismus #klimawandel #Schulunterricht #schule #gesellschaft #welt #bildung #fdp
How #hunger can warp our #minds
Today in Labor History August 22, 1917: Italian police opened fire on protesters against the hunger caused by World War I. Most of the protesters were women. The next day, workers declared a General Strike. On the 24th, a state of siege was declared, but the strike continued until the 26th. Police violence during the strike resulted in the deaths of 60 people.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #italy #WorldWar1 #massacre #hunger #famine #protest #GeneralStrike #women #police #PoliceMurder #PoliceBrutality
#workingclass #LaborHistory #italy #worldwar1 #massacre #hunger #famine #protest #generalstrike #women #police #policemurder #policebrutality
Ambiguous impulses for your own mental cinema. Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic colours on DIN-A4 paper, no NFTs:
#kunst #contemporaryArt #makeArtNotWar #mentalCinema #handCarvedStamp #noNFT #saveBiodiversity #climateActionNow #systemChange #endFossilFuels #makeArtNotWar #fckFdp #fckAfd #fckPtn #cows #industrialLivestockFarming #methan #foodProduction #feedTheWorld #wheat #hunger #famine #nutrition #goVegan #vegetarianism #thumbsUp #raisedHand #screamingHeads
#kunst #contemporaryart #makeartnotwar #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fckfdp #fckafd #fckptn #cows #industriallivestockfarming #methan #foodproduction #feedtheworld #wheat #hunger #famine #nutrition #GoVegan #vegetarianism #thumbsup #raisedhand #screamingheads