Last but not least today, we have a session at #EAA2023 starting after the afternoon coffee break:
#s297 On the Margins: Understanding the Centre - Periphery Interaction during the Transition to Farming. Organised by Peter Tóth, Penny Bickle, & Maria Ivanova-Bieg. 16:30-18:30, New Physics Building Bell
We hope you have a great day with lots of #Palaeolithic, #Mesolithic, #Neolithic and general #Prehistoric, #StoneAge and #huntergatherer research around!
#eaa2023 #s297 #palaeolithic #Mesolithic #neolithic #prehistoric #stoneage #huntergatherer
Women Hunt As Often As Men In Many Hunter-Gatherer Societies—Despite Age-Old Stereotypes, Study Finds
#indigenous #huntergatherer #women #genderstereotypes
Hunter-gatherer lifestyle fosters thriving gut microbiome
Samples from the Tanzanian Hadza group included species previously unknown to science.
#GutBiome #GutHealth #HunterGatherer #Health #Food #FoodWays #FoodProcurement #ScienceNews
#sciencenews #foodprocurement #foodways #food #health #huntergatherer #guthealth #gutbiome
Our glorious #HunterGatherer heritage:
Costco offers items that are not regularly stocked at a reduced price to train shoppers to enter the store in search of "deals," as if on a treasure hunt. Finding these deals exposes customers to proximal products in other categories, which allows Costco to capture sales from people not interested in the discounted product.
@skotchygut @doctorwhom
And I've got ingredient procurement and inventory. #ShoppingGoddess #HunterGatherer
#huntergatherer #shoppinggoddess
All you really need to do today is find enough water, food, and (depending on the weather) shelter to make it to tomorrow.
#random #showerthoughts #huntergatherer
“Jared Diamond in Guns, Germs and Steel suggested that agriculture was a horrible long-term choice for our forager ancestors, leading to more war and conflict due to the accumulation of material wealth, but much of the ancient DNA evidence now points to the possibility that actually roving bands of hunter-gatherers were more xenophobic and hostile to outsiders than their farming descendants.”
#genetics #persian #iran #huntergatherer #agriculturalists #neolithic
#genetics #persian #iran #huntergatherer #agriculturalists #neolithic
"Dark Emu" is a bold attempt to create new views and discussions about the history of Indigenous Australian peoples. Bruce Pascoe challenges the mainstream academic historical view surrounding Indigenous culture and technological development as hunter-gatherer-based, laying claims that Indigenous Australians achieved agriculture, permanent housing, and other technological and cultural developme... #Agriculture #HunterGatherer #History
#History #huntergatherer #agriculture
Hunting cave reveals glimpses of diets in Mexico 9,000 years ago #Mexico #CuevaDeLaPaloma #palaeolithic #HunterGatherer
#mexico #cuevadelapaloma #palaeolithic #huntergatherer
"The study provides evidence that hunter-gatherers were far more sophisticated than archaeologists once assumed," ROOTS member Henny Piezonka comments on a new study published in Nature Human Behaviour. Read the full article by @spoke32 at Science Magazine: You can find the original study by Dolbunova et al. on the spread of #huntergatherer #pottery between the Baltic and the Urals here:
#Archaeology #Archäologie #stoneage #Steinzeit
#Steinzeit #stoneage #archaologie #archaeology #pottery #huntergatherer
I have a #huntergatherer approach to doing the #dishes : I take only what I need, leaving the sink ecosystem otherwise undisturbed
"What if #cities existed before #agriculture and our #HunterGatherer ancestors enjoyed a far more complex existence than we thought? And if they did, then what are the implications for modern political theory - which justifies #inequality on the basis that we live in a higher, more sophisticated form of society that was always inevitable?"
#NovaraMedia talks with #DavidWengrow, co-author with the late #DavidGraeber of #DawnOfEverything
#prehistory #books #DawnOfEverything #davidgraeber #davidwengrow #novaramedia #inequality #huntergatherer #agriculture #cities
Universal formal #education is a major goal for sustainable development, but remains unattainable for many communities and individuals around the world. What alternatives exist?
Jennifer Hays and team spotlight education for/in hunter gatherer societies and different forms of knowledge transmission. The traditional knowledge of contemporary #huntergatherer groups honed over centuries is passed on through highly effective pedagogical approaches that look different from a structured classroom.
From the New Yorker: What Hunter-Gatherers Can Teach Us About the Frustrations of Modern Work.
#paleolithic #history #huntergatherer #CalNewport
Just yesterday we heard a great 20 minute interview with an #anthropoligist #JamesSuzman author of (from the website) ‘Work: A History of How We Spend Our Time’. He discusses how work as we know it is really a modern concept that didn’t exist until recently, the #capitalist global #economy and how it forces people into unfulfilling work, why we may need to look to our #hunterGatherer past to rebuild and reshape our economies post-coronavirus, why the…(2/3)
#anthropoligist #JamesSuzman #capitalist #economy #huntergatherer
BBC article: 'Rare' samples hold North Sea-bed's Doggerland secrets.
OK, this is the kind of news I like best. It's got #archaeology and #HunterGatherer content. What more could you want?
Neolithic farmers coexisted with hunter-gatherers for centuries in Europe
#history #paleolithic #neolithic #huntergatherer #farming