Here is a video and news story showing the #landslide that just blocked #Highway168 between #Prather and #ShaverLake and has contributed to isolating Shaver Lake, #HuntingtonLake , #ChinaPeak #ChinaPeakSkiResort , #DinkeyCreek , #ForkedMeadow , and others. Thanks, #AtmosphericRiver
#landslide #highway168 #Prather #ShaverLake #huntingtonlake #chinapeak #chinapeakskiresort #dinkeycreek #forkedmeadow #atmosphericriver
Looks like #Highway168 from Prather up to #ShaverLake is closed due to a new landslide. Auberry Road is still closed from last week's storms and now it looks like boulders and flooding are closing #TollhouseRoad which means the mountain communities around Shaver Lake and #HuntingtonLake plus China Peak Ski Resort and #DinkeyCreek (and #ForkedMeadow ) are now cut off and isolated. Sounds like the highway 168 situation could be a pretty big slide.
#highway168 #ShaverLake #tollhouseroad #huntingtonlake #dinkeycreek #forkedmeadow #atmosphericriver