Just had the most wonderful salute to Jeff Beck, culminating in #NessumDorma, with the volume up and the wildlife of the #HuonRiver (above and below water) and I hope, the spirits of this nuenoenne country on which we live, rocking to the sound. #HumbledByTheGenius. Travel safe Jeff.
#nessumdorma #huonriver #humbledbythegenius
Having tweeted my last, it’s time I gave you a little of my background… #introduction
I am an Australian/kiwi having moved to #Australia ~35 years ago. Have lived and worked in #Canberra and #Melbourne. Now working from #Tasmania (but mainly on the big island to the north), living on the edge of the wonderful #HuonRiver.
Spent most of my career on the bleeding edge of technology in IT then solar and H2; though I started out ‘studying’ (sort of) pharmacy way back when in NZ.
I am half of @jeanesholland.com.au, a Uni of Adelaide Centre of Energy Technology advisory board member, lobbyist (around #RenewableEnergy, #Sustainability and #MedicinalCannabis); and adviser to businesses.
I know more than I ever wanted to about leukaemia and multiple sclerosis, but try not to get lost in such things.
I am passionate about our planet, it’s inhabitants, #socialjustice, #science, #climatechange, #Equality, #politics (especially #Auspol and #TasPol).
I want to do as much good as I can in the time I have left but I also make time for nature, wine, laughs, great food, friends and time with my family.
Can sometimes be shouty and sweary (but have the hang of CWs).
I hope to be a positive contributor to this network of communities of real people.
Thanks for reading…. if you made it this far!🙄
#introduction #australia #canberra #melbourne #tasmania #huonriver #renewableenergy #sustainability #medicinalcannabis #socialjustice #science #climatechange #equality #politics #auspol #taspol