Is anyone else listening to Hurdy Gurdy covers of Black Sabbath riffs? Just me then?
#blacksabbath #metal #hurdygurdy
While trying to track down a piece of classical music that sounded like heavy metal, I stumbled across Michalina Malisz playing riffs from System of a Down songs on a hurdy-gurdy.
These renditions remind me of the thrash metal MIDI tracks from the original Doom, and I love them.
#hurdygurdy #heavymetal #music
I've just heard Local Psycho and The #HurdyGurdy #Orchestra and at the risk of getting ever more #obscure, this is amazing #nonidiomatic #music
#hurdygurdy #orchestra #obscure #nonidiomatic #music
Random musing of the day:
A #HurdyGurdy is really #bagpipes as a string instrument. 🥰
Still rocking to this 🤘 🦊 :ablobcatattentionreverse:
#pudsy #rplace #place #hurdygurdy #Foxhole #babymetal
Charmed, while not a great achievement in moviemaking, did make the bold and laudable choice to give Snow White a hurdy-gurdy.
#HurdyGurdy #animation #Movies
#Movies #Animation #hurdygurdy
“The infernal organ”: #CharlesBabbage and street nuisances #Noise #Music #Soundscape #Sounds #UrbanLife #Towns #19thCentury #NineteenthCentury #History #ComputingHistory #ComputerScience #StreetNuisances #StreetMusicians #Musicians #Organs #accordion #squeezebox #Bagpipes #Religion #Psalms #London #HurdyGurdy #BrassBands
#brassbands #hurdygurdy #london #Psalms #religion #bagpipes #squeezebox #accordion #organs #musicians #streetmusicians #streetnuisances #computerscience #computinghistory #history #nineteenthcentury #19thcentury #towns #Urbanlife #sounds #soundscape #music #noise #CharlesBabbage
A nice gurdy tune for #TuneswapTuesday
#Folk #FolkMusic #Trad #TradMusic #HurdyGurdy #Hurdy #VielleARoue #DroneMusic #BalFolk
#tuneswaptuesday #folk #folkmusic #trad #tradmusic #hurdygurdy #hurdy #viellearoue #dronemusic #balfolk
Those instruments really represented the tone and world quite well and integrated them in the medial, industrial-orchestral world.
Soon we also will be able to speak about the project very soon more! Until then, stay tuned!
#vgm #research #project #hurdygurdy #violin #gamedevelopment
#vgm #research #project #hurdygurdy #violin #gamedevelopment
Welch schöne Musik, was für ein wunderschönes Instrument.
12 months ago I'd never played a musical instrument & knew absolutely nothing about music. Then this weird contraception turned up and I absolutely love it, play it nearly every day. The #HurdyGurdy was one of the best things I've ever bought.
My little box of #LYRRE goodies arrived from the #NotAllWhoDreamAreAsleep Kickstarter. Now I've got the CD I like the album even more as it lasts exactly the same amount of time it takes me to drive to work! #HurdyGurdy
#hurdygurdy #notallwhodreamareasleep #lyrre
On that note: here's a banger for whose lyrics I'd love to know an English translation:
I've been restoring a #SteamEngine which once powered a local #CottonMill. The acoustics in the engine house are really weird. You can't have a conversation in there, it just echoes into sound; however music sounds really good for some reason.
I've also been learning to play the #HurdyGurdy.
You can see where this is going. Echoey, very very echoey, but quite good non the less.
#hurdygurdy #CottonMill #steamengine
Habe mir gerade das Debutalbum von #Lyrre gekauft, um sie zu unterstützen.
Habe auch mal wegen Shirts angefragt.
Putting on a you tube video of Nigel Eaton playing the #HurdyGurdy and an advert comes on for tampax & says "First time, don't worry it gets easier."
My 1st thought "Yeh I know, cottoning hurdy gurdy strings is difficult, it just takes practice...
Oh wait, you ment something else, didn't you?"
I do love learning to play the #HurdyGurdy especially the way it seems to have a pretty much vertical lerning curve! Can spend hours being completely unable to do something no matter how many times you try it; then suddenly, for no reason at all you can do it & it's fine & it's easy. Where did that come from? What a brilliant, weird little contraption.