Better than the #Lotto for #Crotta ! 55yr. wait over as @CrottaGAA win @Kerry_Official #Hurling Championship for the 1st. time since 1968. & thoroughly deserved too after yrs. of hard work. Glory Crotta The Brave! Enjoy all. Full credit @LixnawGAA also for a great game ! 👏👏
Ah, Limerick hat doch gewonnen!
So the only question is if we split #Limerick in 2 or 3?
#hurling #limerick #gaa #allireland
And *that* is how you get four in a row! Phenomenal athleticism, accuracy, strategy. Well done Limerick! Well deserved.
#gaa #hurling #allirelandhurlingfinal
Limerick giving a masterclass in Taking Your Points right now.
#gaa #hurling #allirelandhurlingfinal
The shooting in this match is phenomenal. Some incredible scores that you'd be happy with on a dry day.
#gaa #hurling #allirelandhurlingfinal
#Limerick usually very strong in the 3rd Q. A 3 point lead for #kilkenny at half time isn't much... #hurlingfinal #gaa #hurling
#limerick #kilkenny #hurlingfinal #gaa #hurling
Casting an eye over the weather in Dublin. Not a perfect day for hurling.
#gaa #hurling #allirelandhurlingfinalinjuly
#hurling lá fluich anseo i mBAC. Go leor thart. Luimneach nó chill ceannaigh?
Big/Weird day ahead.
Tis the #GAA All Ireland #Hurling final (but not in September) and my first final without my dad. Even when I lived in Spain or was in Rome and missed the finals on those years dad still had a lot to say on the phone that night.
Not so tonight. Nor ever again.
These days are all part of a year of firsts.
Well now lads. Let's be having ya
To anyone - especially #mastodaoine - with BBC iPlayer you can easily watch the fantastic spectacle that is the All-Ireland #Hurling Final.
Sunday at 15:30 BST
You will need to set your iPlayer to Northern Ireland, but that's it. Depending on your TV settings, changing your BBC to Northern Ireland can also work - for a reduced lag.
Although unfortunately I don't think that the BBC can quite capture the wonderful asides that often happen in GAA commentary on RTÉ.
Britishers! The greatest event in all of sport is on Sunday and it's available on your very own iPlayer! The All-Ireland Hurling Final between Limerick and Kilkenny starts at 15:30.
GAA All-Ireland Hurling final: How to watch and follow on BBC TV, iPlayer and online -
This game too, between Luimneach agus An Gaillimh, has some excellent goals!
Quite looking forward to the final. Though, I can't watch it live.