Sometimes it really makes me happy that I’m such a nerd. It’s so much fun to know how to create stuff with code.
I really like daylight saving time — we call it summer time in the Netherlands.
I’m sure more people would like it if it was called summer time everywhere.
I don’t get messages from Death every day. But today I did.
Well, I may not be able to read the room and subsequently say a thing that makes me sound like an asshole, but at least I also feel crushing guilt about being an asshole after I realize it several minutes later #Hurray?
RT @jpmens
@PowerDNS_Bert The German CovPass and -Check apps provided by the Robert Koch Institut are also Open Source. (source code: #hurray
#openocd 0.11 RC1, hardly 4 years after the previous 0.10 #hurray!