Drenched California and Baha:
#Hilary #HurricaineHilary #California #Baha #Ventusky #Weather
#hilary #hurricainehilary #california #baha #Ventusky #Weather
#silentsunday on a gloomy Sunday #hurricainehilary #sonomacounty #SundayPaper
#silentsunday #hurricainehilary #sonomacounty #sundaypaper
If you live in the southwest USA, get out your rain barrels and check on your catchment basins - you’re about to get a lot of unseasonal rain that if stored well - can help in the drier times. Let’s hope folks got practice in the past winter letting water sit so it can filter down to the aquifers too! Flood those orchards!
#rain #draught #southwest #CA #CO #UT #AZ #NM #NV #LakeMead #LakePowell #Shasta #aquifer #hurricaine #HurricaineHilary
#hurricainehilary #hurricaine #aquifer #shasta #lakepowell #lakemead #nv #nm #az #ut #co #ca #southwest #draught #rain