Just had a large water oak fall down behind my house. The top of the tree (in the photo) hit the house and window but I don’t think that there is any major damage. #HurricaneCoverage #Idalia #LuckyUs
#hurricanecoverage #idalia #luckyus
A storm chaser in Perry just posted a video of an Amazon semi flipping on it’s side. #HurricaneCoverage #Idalia
We are in the western (less intense) edge of the hurricane. When I fell asleep last night it was heading directly toward us. We have been very lucky. #HurricaneCoverage #Idalia
Sitting out the storm on my north Florida porch. The power transformers along the road exploded about an hour ago. Waiting for the storm to pass before we hook up the generators. #HurricaneCoverage #Idalia