@joepie91 if Providers like #HurricaneElectric were not able to unplug shit, they'd at best be useful idiots to every #DDoS and #malware campaign ever but would at a certain point run into the risk of getting sued for "gross negligence" if they didn't do so.
#Malware #DDoS #hurricaneelectric
@olives @KelsonV @eff you don't get it, do you?
1. #HurricaneElectric isn'a a Tier-1 and even if they were, there is no legal mandate for them to accept anything or provide services to anyone.
Espechally since there's no legally enforceable #NetNeutrality :loading: nor are they regulated as a "utility service" with "must provide" clauses.
2. Providers are already very twitchy and they'll block entire ASNs if they get listed by #Spamhaus.
3. #KiwiFarms is indefensible thus invalid discussion.
#kiwifarms #spamhaus #netneutrality #hurricaneelectric
All #HurricaneElectric does is act in self-defense against a hostile network.
And OFC they must have the right to refuse to provide services like transit.
That's common practice and it's called #DROP [ #DontRouteOrPeer ] and it's the reason the #PRC can't #DDoS the entire internet with their #GreatCannon [which is weaponization of #GreatFirewall infrastructure]...
#greatfirewall #greatcannon #DDoS #prc #dontrouteorpeer #drop #hurricaneelectric
Apparently the #EFF has chosen an open pit mine for hate as their "hill to die on"...
Because there is no valid reason to ever defend #KiwiFarms and #HurricaneElectric has the right to #DROP [#DontRouteOrPeer) traffic to them for all the valid reasons...
#dontrouteorpeer #drop #hurricaneelectric #kiwifarms #EFF
I got like an enterprise cable contract and get 200M down 15M up and a whole /29of IPv4's yet my ISP refuses to allocate even a single /64 of IPv6's, and #HurricaneElectric's #GIFtunnel is unstable as fuck!
I had to literally yeet IPv6 out of my network because it just doesn't work!
@stefano Adoption of #IPv6 isn't a widespread problem any more... (there are some dinosaur #IPv4-only networks, but they're slowly dying...)
But: I'm not fine with what I get from an #ISP as a private consumer. I want the option to have a fixed prefix, I want to be able to get #RDNS delegation for that prefix.
That's why I currently ignore what my ISP gives me and instead use #HurricaneElectric's #Tunnelbroker for my IPv6 connectivity. It's free and offers the features I want 🙄
#ipv6 #ipv4 #isp #rdns #hurricaneelectric #tunnelbroker
Alors c'est pire que ça en fait ! 😱
#google bloque mon #ipv6 de tunnel #hurricaneelectric
Mais quel bande de connards !
Bon j'imagine que comme c'est des gros tocards, je vais faire une pirouette avec un gros #SSH #dynamicforward
On va voir...
#dynamicforward #ssh #hurricaneelectric #ipv6 #google
@chbmeyer @kuketzblog Deshalb hatte ich nie Probleme mit #DNS - sondern nur damit dass mein #ISP mir kein #IPv6 anbietet und #HurricaneElectric's #GIF-Tunnel mislocated wird und dann #Geoblocking reinkickt!
#Geoblocking #GIF #hurricaneelectric #IPv6 #isp #DNS
Apparenty, #HurricaneElectric has some issues on their tunnels exiting #FRA close to #DECIX....
#DECIX #FRA #hurricaneelectric
#DualStack per #GIF-Tunnel zu #HurricaneElectric in #FFM ist was feines.
Und dann gibt's verkorkste Webseiten wie https://egun.de die offensichtlich bricken wenn man #DualStack nutzt.
Weiß nicht ob das deren kaputtes #GeoIP-#Blocking ist oder wasauchimmer.
Ich habe jedenfalls #RIPE-konform meine #WHOIS-Daten für die Allokation des /48 angegeben...
#whois #ripe #blocking #geoip #ffm #hurricaneelectric #GIF #dualstack
Some places are trying to get USD30+/mo for just a few zones hosted on an anycast DNS setup with limited lookups. There are free services that do much better, both tech-wise and without imposing artificial limits.
https://dns.he.net/ is Hurricane Electric's public DNS hosting service. You can host up to 100 domains (including in-addr.arpa) and they support the full practical set of record types.
Also check out the other services they offer.
#selfhosting #dns #hurricaneelectric
After poking at it on and off for a couple of hours, I got all of my domains using HE.net's free DNS service: https://dns.he.net/
Pretty painless overall, and I'd forgotten how useful Hurricane Electric's public services can be.
Well done, and thank you, folks!
#selfhosting #dns #hurricaneelectric
Goodbye, he.net, it's been a good few years, but you seem to be letting your network quality rot on the vine, at least for London-brokered tunnels. Let the route48.org era commence!
#hurricaneelectric #henet #route48
My weekend projects have a tendency for feature creep. I wanted to experiment with #IPv6 and set up a #HurricaneElectric tunnel with a /48 net to my home lab. Now I’m rebuilding my VLANs and #KVM bridges, and reading up on #Kea as a replacement for my old #ISC #DHCP Server that’s apparently going EOL pretty much now. While I’m at it I might switch to #Fedora for some of my servers just to get some practice with #DNF and #SELinux based management for work.
#Linux #HomeLab #Networking
#ipv6 #hurricaneelectric #kvm #kea #isc #dhcp #fedora #dnf #selinux #linux #homelab #networking
@jett @sullybiker Nevertheless, it is still an interesting find and I'd never have thought of using #HurricaneElectric BGP Toolkit in this manner. Really enjoyed writing this one and looking at phishing sites.
Torrent-Portal YTS: Klage von Hellboy https://tarnkappe.info/torrent-portal-yts-klage-von-hellboy/ #Hellboy-CallofDarkness #hellboyproductions #HurricaneElectric #Artikel #Hotmail #Cogeco #YTS
#artikel #cogeco #yts #hotmail #hellboy #hellboyproductions #hurricaneelectric