Watch your heads in that arena folks, those Patoni tiles are about to blow!
Let's go...
#bleedblue #uconn #huskynation
The student section needs to do UConn Twitter a solid and start a "DUNK THAT 🤬" chant whenever our guys pull the soft stuff under the hood like tonight.
#bleedblue #uconn #huskynation #soft
Watching the first-ever hockey game in Toscano online rn and the only thing I can think about is:
When does UConn+ drop, and how fast can I sign up for it?
Hurry up, !...
#bleedblue #uconn #huskynation
If RJ Cole stays, this team is at worst a 1-loss team.
Guard. Play. Matters.
#bleedblue #uconn #huskynation
Figure out this winning-on-the-road thing please, coach. That's your assignment for the next couple of weeks.
#bleedblue #uconn #huskynation
Let’s take our rivalry with Nova to the next level. Help us catch up to in followers. Long way to go but we can do it!
#bleedblue #uconn #huskynation
The stuff Hurley draws up for Hawkins looks so beautiful on TV.
More of that too, please!...
#bleedblue #uconn #huskynation
Our Huskies are a good team talent-wise, but they're *not* quite there yet mentally.
Good thing is, they still have time this season to figure things out. Bad news: his is the Big East Conference. No one's rolling over for this team.
Let's go...
#bleedblue #uconn #huskynation
Was gonna Tweet something witty, but my roof just started leaking.
#bleedblue #uconn #huskynation
Maybe it's just not the Huskies' night.
Maybe it's just PC's night.
"It be like that sometimes..."
#bleedblue #uconn #huskynation
Maybe the Huskies should try this 'drive-and-get-fouled' thingy that PC is doing...
#bleedblue #uconn #huskynation