Zeit ein bisschen zu Lesen. Das Buch liegt schon viel zu lange angefangen und dann nicht beachtet hier rum.
#lesen #huxley #schoneneuewelt
Los cuadernos de Vieco
La crítica. Aldous Huxley
A mí nunca me han afectado las críticas, por la sencilla razón de que no las leo. Nunca me he propuesto escribir para un público determinado o un tipo de persona en particular. Siempre me he limita…
Los cuadernos de Vieco
El trabajo de escritor II. Aldous Huxley
P.: Planifica la estructura de una novela antes de empezar, con bloques y capítulos que luego va completando? R.: No, voy escribiendo capítulo a capítulo, abriéndome camino a medida que avanzo. Cua…
Abdication of our #human responsibility is the greatest danger of #AI, in all its forms, past, current, and future.
The technology should always be considered and used as #tool wielded by people with rigorous #oversight and limited power.
That won't happen, and we will absolutely live in a world where critical decisions directly and indirectly affecting all but the #elite will be #automated.
Not only were #Huxley, #Orwell, and others prescient, so too was #Kafka.
A #surreal new world dawns.
#surreal #kafka #orwell #huxley #Automated #elite #oversight #tool #AI #human
Los cuadernos de Vieco
El trabajo de escritor. Aldous Huxley
Trabajo con regularidad, siempre por la mañana, y luego un poco antes de cenar. No soy de los que trabajan por la noche. Por la noche prefiero leer. Normalmente trabajo cuatro o cinco horas al día,…
If one's different, one's bound to be lonely.
Did you ever feel, as though you had something inside you that was only waiting for you to give it a chance to come out? Some sort of extra power that you aren't using - you know, like all the water that goes down the falls instead of through the turbines?
#world #huxley #graphic #quotes #quote
"The older #dictators fell because they could never supply their subjects with enough #bread, enough #circuses, enough #miracles and #mysteries."
- Aldous #Huxley
Brave New #World Revisited
#quotes #quote #classwar #capitalism #fascism #oppression #authoritarianism #earth #econotego #ecology #apathy #empathy
#Dictators #bread #circuses #Miracles #mysteries #huxley #world #quotes #quote #classwar #capitalism #fascism #oppression #authoritarianism #earth #econotego #ecology #apathy #empathy
This may surprise you, but I was in Powell's Books not long ago. While there, perusing the natural history section, I happened upon an old volume that had clearly experienced a fair bit of physical trauma during its century and a quarter existence. However given the signifigance of its contents, partiularly chapter 3, I felt it deserved a good home, so I bought it and it is now safely in my library.
#bookstodon #oldBooks #naturalhistory #huxley #essays
I’ve just started reading Huxley’s Island (1962) - his uptopian response to Brave New World - and the first thing he tells us about the people of the Island, in a scene between a little girl and a journalist shipwrecked on the Island, is that the people of the Island are emotionally intelligent. The girls instructs the journalist how to feel his feelings and cry after a fall that could easily have been fatal:
“What did your mother do when you hurt yourself?"
She had taken him in her arms, had said, 'My poor baby, my poor little baby.'
"She did that?" The child spoke in a tone of shocked amazement. "But that's awful! That's the way to rub it in. 'My poor baby,'" she repeated derisively, "it must have gone on hurting for hours. And you'd never forget it.’
Aldous Huxley
I’d prefer it without the derision, but otherwise I’m happy he opened this way. A norm of emotional intelligence one of the bases of the utopias I think about. Unconditional recognition of all others humanly is another.
I believe the norm ‘boys don’t cry’ is one of the basic errors in the way American social reality is constructed.
Attaching good/bad or positive/negative to emotions is something I see often. Feelings are pleasant/unpleasant and give us valuable information about our mind-body state They can be difficult to bear and cut us to the core, and I was never taught how to accept them, I’m having to figure that out now. I could have used some support and guidance. I suspect that applies to a lot of people. #CommonHumanity
#commonhumanity #huxley #utopia #MentalHealth
Deshalb bin ich auch so kritisch gegenüber dem #Humanismus. Nein, der Mensch ist nicht "die Krone der Schöpfung" und auch nicht "das höchste Produkt der Evolution" (evolutionärer Humanismus, #Huxley).
Was ich so absurd finde: der #Humanismus grenzt sich ab von #Religionen (insb. dem Christentum) und behauptet, mit diesen nichts zu tun zu haben.
Gleichzeitig hat der Humanismus aber ein wichtiges, falsches Element der christlichen #Ideologie völlig unkritisch übernommen: dass der Mensch das höchste Produkt der Evolution sei ( #Huxley ), die "Krone der Schöpfung", und die Evolution/Natur kontrollieren sollte (siehe zB geozentrisches Weltbild; "macht euch die Erde untertan" in Genesis 1,28).
#huxley #ideologie #religionen #humanismus
Letzte Chance für eine #Doku bei #arte, nur noch online bis 27.3.2023:
George #Orwell, Aldous #Huxley
1984 oder Schöne neue Welt
Eine spannende #Gegenüberstellung der beiden einflussreichsten #Dystopien des Zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts und der jeweiligen #Autoren, die gegensätzlicher nicht sein konnten.
#doku #arte #orwell #huxley #gegenuberstellung #dystopie #autor
While I was looking into whether there was any trace of the records made by the "dictating machine" mentioned in The Doors of Perception, I happened upon a trove of digitised recordings donated to UCLA as part of the Aldous and Laura Huxley Papers.
This recording was made just a few days before Aldous Huxley died:
(Recommend timestamp 31:38):
@LauraSSM @laparadadelcine @GRiosBallarin Muy de acuerdo con el planteamiento de #Huxley, estamos totalmente desbordados.
Doku auf Arte.tv: 1984 or brave new world?
#1984GeorgeOrwell #arte #dystopia #future #huxley #orwell