British geologist HH Read once said the best geologist is the one who has “seen the most rocks.” So perhaps the best possible understanding of #Kilauea hinges on the most observations. #HVO reflects on two centuries of written records in #VolcanoWatch.…
Populistische Scheinlösungen eines #FahrDochPorsche Ministeriums und teurer ist es auch noch. Lasst das #Verbrennen einfach.
Welche Probleme gibt es bei #HVO?
>Es fehlt an Altfetten für den grünen Dieselersatz.
Das Angebot an HVO reicht aktuell und auch in den nächsten Jahren absehbar nicht für die Nachfrage
#fahrdochporsche #verbrennen #hvo
Mit Diesel und Fritteuse was für die Umwelt tun? Das geht! Mit #Biokraftstoff #HVO aus Abfall- und Reststoffen, z. B. Speiseöl! So können #CO2-Emissionen um bis zu 90% reduziert werden. „Wir ermöglichen, dass das klimafreundliche HVO100 in die #Tankstellen kommt“, so Volker Wissing.
#Biokraftstoff #hvo #co2 #Tankstellen
Kann ja keiner #wissing mal wieder #technologiebesoffen, äh #technologieoffen.
#klimaneutraler #verkehr bedeutet weniger Verkehr und eine #mobilitaetswende, dabei weiter auf #verbrenner zu setzen, ist absurd.
Die #fdp pusht #nischentechnologien, die nicht für das #auto nicht geeignet sind und schlägt wieder jeden Expertenrat in den Wind.
Wie Wissing mit HVO Verbrenner retten will
#Wissing #technologiebesoffen #technologieoffen #klimaneutraler #verkehr #mobilitaetswende #verbrenner #fdp #nischentechnologien #auto #hvo #efuels #Aurokorrektur #wissingmussweg
On June 7, #HVO geologists scouted Halemaʻumaʻu for a location to sample fresh lava. Although lava on the perimeter was solid by the time geologists arrived, it was still hot to touch. Samples were fully quenched by dropping them into a bucket and adding water.
On June 7, #HVO geologists scouted Halemaʻumaʻu for a location to sample fresh lava. Although lava on the perimeter was solid by the time geologists arrived, it was still hot to touch. Samples were fully quenched by dropping them into a bucket and adding water. #volcano #usgs
Timelapse shows first 3 days of eruption in Halema‘uma‘u (#Kilauea) June 7–9. Lava circulates & paves crater floor, fed by numerous fountains. As eruption stabilizes & vigor declines, area of active lava is greatly reduced. #HVO provides daily updates at….
Timelapse shows first 3 days of eruption in Halema‘uma‘u (#Kilauea) June 7–9. Lava circulates & paves crater floor, fed by numerous fountains. As eruption stabilizes & vigor declines, area of active lava is greatly reduced. #HVO provides daily updates at #volcano #usgs
Scientists watch as hot, rapidly swirling air grabs & flings pieces of fresh lava during the first day of the eruption in Halemaʻumaʻu crater (#Kilauea). Wind vortexes form due to extreme heat. Eruption temps were ~1150°C (~2100°F). #HVO eruption updates:…
Scientists watch as hot, rapidly swirling air grabs & flings pieces of fresh lava during the first day of the eruption in Halemaʻumaʻu crater (#Kilauea). Wind vortexes form due to extreme heat. Eruption temps were ~1150°C (~2100°F). #HVO eruption updates:
Scientists watch as hot, rapidly swirling air grabs & flings pieces of fresh lava during the first day of the eruption in Halemaʻumaʻu crater (#Kilauea). Wind vortexes form due to extreme heat. Eruption temps were ~1150°C (~2100°F). #HVO eruption updates: #volcano #usgs
La Ies stocca il nuovo biocarburante
#pareridistorti #mantova #ies #biocarburante #biocarburanti #hvo #diesel #sgasare #economiacircolare #olidiscarto #idrogenare #idrogenati #biomasse #biomassa #fotononmie
#pareridistorti #Mantova #ies #biocarburante #biocarburanti #hvo #diesel #sgasare #EconomiaCircolare #olidiscarto #idrogenare #idrogenati #biomasse #biomassa #fotononmie
#Kilauea summit eruption continues.
#HVO gas geochemists were able to collect SO2 emission rate data this morning. Preliminary results indicate 65,000 tonnes/day SO2, similar to the onsets of previous summit eruptions in 2020 and 2021. As downwind residents know, this means vog.
#Kilauea summit eruption continues.
#HVO gas geochemists were able to collect SO2 emission rate data this morning. Preliminary results indicate 65,000 tonnes/day SO2, similar to the onsets of previous summit eruptions in 2020 and 2021. As downwind residents know, this means vog. #volcano #usgs
Five years ago, volcanic activity at #Kilauea dramatically changed when magma intruded into the lower East Rift Zone (#LERZ). #HVO reflects on the destructive 2018 eruption in this week’s #VolcanoWatch. #volcano #usgs
#kilauea #lerz #hvo #volcanowatch #volcano #usgs
The first of #USGS’ family of 5 volcano observatories began with the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory in 1912. Back then, Hawaii wasn't a state & Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park didn't exist. #HVO reflects on 111 years of history, in this week’s #VolcanoWatch #volcano #usgs
#usgs #hvo #volcanowatch #volcano
#HVO field technicians upgraded Hualālai Repeater station, an important telemetry hub for volcano monitoring data. Site is on the SE side of Hualālai at 2,160 m (7,090 ft) above sea level. Techs installed new batteries & electronics system. More photos at #volcano #usgs
Carburanti biologici e sintetici: "i 5 milioni di tonnellate di #HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) che @eni intende produrre e commercializzare al 2030, potrebbero alimentare al massimo 6,9 milioni di veicoli del parco circolante italiano" via @transenv