When was appointed president by the Florida in 2000, his father, , explicitly warned him against trusting Cheney and Rice, however, he made them top administration officials.

During the 2000 election campaign and subsequent transfer of power, Bill Clinton and repeatedly mentioned the danger of Osama Bin Laden, and this continued until 9/11/2001.


#algore #hwbush #government #georgewbush

Last updated 1 year ago

The part where the helped give rise to the . Good scholars will inform you of the fact that the establishment will actively permit () to grow, which they can use at any moment to repress genuine movements that actually challenge .

Rich Man's Trick (2014):

#bankofengland #hitlerProject #corporatist #fascistMovements #thugs #progressiveLeft #power #documentary #brownBrothersShipley #brownBrothersHarriman #hwbush #royalfamily #BushCrimeFamily

Last updated 3 years ago