Qubrid Joins NVIDIA Inception to Accelerate Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computing for AI https://thequantuminsider.com/?p=2357658 #Quantum_Computing_Business #hybrid_quantum #Inception #NVIDIA #Pranay_Prakash #Qubrid #quantumdaily Insider Brief Qubrid announced joined NVIDIA Inception. The program supports companies innovating in artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing, GPU computing and more. Critical Quote: “The program will enable us to work closely with NVIDIA and its customers, partne
#Quantum_Computing_Business #hybrid_quantum #Inception #NVIDIA #Pranay_Prakash #Qubrid #quantumdaily
Beta Users Put Intel’s Quantum SDK Through Its Research Paces https://thequantuminsider.com/?p=2350947 #Quantum_Computing_Business #Uncategorized #anne_matsuura #beta_users #hybrid_quantum #intel #IQS #SDK #software_development_kit #quantumdaily A group of beta users have relied on Intel’s newly released Quantum Software Development Kit (SDK) version 1.0 to explore quantum use cases, according to a company blog post. The beta user group is a community of approximately 150 quantum researchers an
#Quantum_Computing_Business #Uncategorized #anne_matsuura #beta_users #hybrid_quantum #intel #IQS #SDK #software_development_kit #quantumdaily
Dell Technologies Advances High Performance Computing With Hybrid Quantum-Classical System https://thequantuminsider.com/?p=1369654 #Quantum_Computing_Business #Slider #Dell #Dell_Quantum_Computing_Solution #HPC #hybrid_quantum #ionq #IonQ_Aria #qiskit #quantumdaily Insider Brief Dell Quantum Computing Solution will allow organizations can begin to take advantage of accelerated compute through quantum technology. The hybrid classical-quantum platform uses the Dell classic quantum simulator buil
#Quantum_Computing_Business #Slider #Dell #Dell_Quantum_Computing_Solution #HPC #hybrid_quantum #ionq #IonQ_Aria #qiskit #quantumdaily