Denise Lum explains how your actions mean more than your words when it comes to sharing good health and nutrition habits with your kids.
#alameda #choices #healthyeating #hydration
Don't give up your running routine just because of a little sun! Try these tips from Lena Jones while you run to make the most of your miles this summer.
#alameda #HealthTips #hydration #running #StayingCool #sunscreen
#alameda #healthtips #hydration #running #stayingcool #sunscreen
What’s the Deal With #Electrolytes, Anyway?
#health #hydration
#electrolytes #health #hydration
All my buddies who have beards: I'm pretty sure you think that if you ever shave you'll wind up looking about twelve years old, but it turns out beards are great for hydrating the skin, and by holding the moisture in a beard keeps you looking young.
Also, if you have a beard, you can do this...
#Beards #Metal #Hydration #PublicServiceAnnouncement #LaughOfTheDay
#laughoftheday #publicserviceannouncement #hydration #metal #beards
Most important things I’ve learned after two weeks exploring #Mastodon and the people inhabiting it. Sort of a tiny pocket field guide:
1. Get the #icecubesapp if you aren’t happy with the official app
2. #alttext your images - not everyone using this site has 20/20 vision
3. Don’t forget #hashtags for better search ability
4. Always drink more water - #hydration #hydrate
5. Get #FireFox as a browser - it’s not Chromium based and that’s important.
Did I miss anything?
#FireFox #hydrate #hydration #hashtags #alttext #icecubesapp #Mastodon
#clmooc #smallpoems #poetry23 #hydration #beverage Favorite mugs and a beverage center
#clmooc #smallpoems #poetry23 #hydration #beverage
#hydration - Why water isn't best beverage for rehydration
The Dos and Don’ts of Hydrating in a Heat Wave #hydrating #hydration #drinkmorewater
#hydrating #hydration #drinkmorewater
7/14 - 🥵 Another hot day with heat indices approaching 110 degrees over portions of South Florida. Take steps to protect yourself and loved ones from the heat and sun today. Frequent #breaks and #hydration are key! #flwx
7/13 at 8am: Sun's up, temperature's up. It's going to be another #scorcher of a day today before afternoon storms cool some of us off. Take steps to protect yourself and loved ones from the heat and sun today. Frequent #breaks and #hydration is key!🔑
The Onion: Chuck Schumer Calls On FDA To Investigate 72-Hour Erection He Got From Prime Energy Drink #dismissalofusattorneyscontroversy #foodanddrugadministration #healthmedicalpharma #chuckschumer #energydrinks #hydration #loganpaul #erection #caffeine #schumer #durbin #stiffy #prime #iris
#dismissalofusattorneyscontroversy #foodanddrugadministration #healthmedicalpharma #chuckschumer #energydrinks #hydration #loganpaul #erection #caffeine #schumer #durbin #stiffy #prime #iris
Interactive #heatrelief maps for #MaricopaCounty #AZ #AZwx (#cooling centers, #hydration centers)
#heatrelief #maricopacounty #az #azwx #cooling #hydration
Refreshing Ginger Brew Rehydration Drink! 🍹🍹
1 cup apple juice
3 cups water
1 heaping Tbl spoon frozen concentrated OJ
1/4 tsp spoon ginger powder
1/2 tsp salt
1-2 Tbl sugar to taste
Serve chilled & stir container before each serving. Pineapple juice can substitute 🍎. Stay hydrated on hot days!
Very refreshing at the beach or BBQ! Or if OD on Gatorade.
Aside from being delish & a potluck hit: Ginger reduces inflammation & has antibacterial qualities too.
#hydration #rehydration #gingerbrew
The conventional wisdom that we need 64 ounces of water a day gave rise to the 8x8 rule (8 cups of 8 ounces each). It’s bogus.
Your body has an amazing ability to adapt to too little or too much water intake, and a lot of the water you need comes from food.
Yes, you should stay well hydrated, this physician/writer advises, but you don’t need an adult sippy cup at the ready 24/7.
What is the difference between the Osprey LT an standard Hydraulic offerings?
The LT (red) is suppose to be lighter than the equivalent standard model (blue). It comes in 1.5lt size whereas the standard comes in 2lt & 3lt offerings.
My recommendation is to buy the standard model 99% of the time. Only get the LT if the pack has a dedicated zip-open sleeve to properly protect the bladder. The LT is not as durable as the standard model and should really only used along with the Raven/Raptor bags (and some other hydration models from Osprey).
The standard model has an additional back plate which simplifies sliding into most packs with a hydration space.
#ospreypacks #hydration #hiking
professional #WaterDrinker, five time #european #hydration champion, husband, father
#hydration #european #WaterDrinker
I felt very very weird but I just drank a ton of water and feel better. Stay hydrated folks! I think I had heat stroke or something last week and I am not quite recovered. #water #heatexhaustion #summer #heatstroke #dehydrated #hydration
#water #heatexhaustion #summer #heatstroke #dehydrated #hydration
Why You Should Always Check the Color of Your #Pee Before You Get on an #Airplane, According to a #Hydration #Scientist
#pee #airplane #hydration #scientist