Doug Parker · @develwithoutacause
241 followers · 991 posts · Server

Are there any good conferences / meetups with an open in the or virtual?

There are a few projects I've been working on which I'd love to give talks about and share with the community (not Angular related). Could be talking about any/all of:

1. - A different take on hydration in an HTML-first world.
2. - A ruleset serving as a fast and scalable .
3. - A no-tooling, web standard-based approach to HTML over the wire.

Greatly appreciate boosts for reach!

#web #rfp #bayarea #hydroactive #rules_prerender #bazel #staticsitegenerator #htmlfragments

Last updated 1 year ago

Doug Parker · @develwithoutacause
200 followers · 597 posts · Server

@mdh I can definitely see the argument that better technologies would reduce the desire for the client and the server to be the same language. Though in my experience I don't think I've ever seen shared logic in the API layer beyond types.

The environments are so different between the browser and Node that you have to really go out of your way to write portable .

Server-side rendering is the killer feature which usually shares code between the frontend and backend. If we could do that without either:

1) forcing the client JS to run on the server or
2) duplicating the rendering logic on the server

then users would have a lot more freedom to pick their preferred server language and ecosystem. does this.

Even if that was super successful, I doubt it would meaningfully reduce the developers using Node. JavaScript os just too big and developers don't want to context switch between different languages IMHO.

#RPC #typescript #javascript #hydroactive

Last updated 2 years ago

Doug Parker · @develwithoutacause
184 followers · 437 posts · Server

@jerod It's a bit early, but how about a library for adding hydration and interactivity without duplicating your build or rendering logic?

#webcomponent #hydroactive

Last updated 2 years ago

Doug Parker · @develwithoutacause
150 followers · 250 posts · Server

And the wait is over! Check out my *first* video:

Introducing , an experimental library for easily adding hydration and reactivity to pre-rendered HTML.

I walk through the motivation for the library, the and I'm trying to create, and then walk through a whole bunch of demos and how they work. I learned a lot building this library and I hope it's interesting and useful to you too!

#YouTube #hydroactive #webcomponent #ux #dx

Last updated 2 years ago