10 car queue.
1h 20 minute wait
40 minute round journey to the pump.
5 attempts to authenticate.
$132 to refill. 310 miles range.
Hydrogen Infrastructure Failure.
#hydrogen #failure #hydrogenhype #fcev
@alda @jon it's the attraction of fiction. No one can argue against it because all problems will be solved in the development process! It's magical thinking at its worst. #hydrogenhype
Really useful overview of #hydrogenhype
#journalism https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/mar/07/hydrogen-clean-fuel-climate-crisis-explainer?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
RT @corporateeurope
🔥 #COP27 was not only the “gas COP” but also the “#HydrogenCOP”
The scramble for green hydrogen is fuelling green colonialism in Africa. Find out who’s benefiting and who’s bearing the risks
👉Read our new blog https://www.corporateeurope.org/en/HydrogenCop
👇 a thread
#Cop27 #hydrogencop #hydrogenhype
To be clear: I’m convinced that we actually do need green #hydrogen, and quite a lot of it, to decarbonize industry (chemicals, steel), aviation & shipping. This is where the #hydrogenhype should be! But directly use renewable electricity wherever possible. #electrifyalotofthings
Together with Martin Kittel we wrote this up in 🇩🇪 last year for @heiseonline: https://www.heise.de/hintergrund/Gruener-Wasserstoff-in-der-Energiewende-Fokussierter-Einsatz-unverzichtbar-6193503.html
#electrifyalotofthings #hydrogenhype #hydrogen