Today is too hot to Adult™️ so after doing laundry and groceries, I'm sitting around in my briefs and drinking unholy amounts of chilled water.
#hydrohomies represent.
@H2ORadio I've just come from the monthly meeting. The #hydrohomies would like a polite word with spikey baseball bats.
Any #water sommeliers on here? There was a short time on Tiktok where everyone was learning about the water we #drink. If love to learn more. #hydrate #hydrohomies
#water #drink #hydrate #hydrohomies
@swampsoda I have been busy doing forestry, horticulture, and all manner of tool-swinging. Add to that helping a former neighbour who suffers with schizophrenia...'s been a day. I'm done for the day. Time to relax and watch cute #anime while drinking a lot of water #hydrohomies
This 64oz insulated water bottle has been a wonderful investment #HydroHomies
@jcrabapple #hydrohomies represent! Be well. We’re around if you need to vent/bitch.
Reddit take notice: HydroHomies is going dark!
You fucked up when the most chill sub has to protest.
#hydrohomies #water #reddit
Hey #bitches don't forget to #hydrate and #moisturize that lovely #skin and make sure your concealed carry license is up-to-date! #HydroHomies #ArmTheQueers
#bitches #hydrate #moisturize #skin #hydrohomies #armthequeers
Pro-tipp für die hydro homies hier: Wasser immer in einer mindestens 500ml Flasche mit sich rumtragen, die eine Skala hat, damit man direkt sieht, wieviel man trinkt. 💪🏻
Fancy Design gibt Pluspunkte, weil man die dann gerne öfters neben sich stehen hat und man mehr dran denkt.
Funktioniert bei mir ganz gut bisher. ✨
#adhs #neurodivergenz #wassertrinken #hydrohomies
Me drinking water at 3AM
#hydrohomies #water