A closer look at the hydroid from yesterday’s beach walk. Amphisbetia operculata.
#marinebiology #marinebiologyuk #northnorfolkcoast #northsea #sea #ocean #biology #wildlife #nature #intertidal #hydroid #microscopy
#marinebiology #marinebiologyuk #northnorfolkcoast #northsea #sea #ocean #biology #wildlife #nature #intertidal #hydroid #microscopy
Three animals that look like seaweed. From left to right, sponge (mermaid’s glove), bryozoan (hornwrack), hydroid (unsure of species, maybe helter skelter).
All found on the beach this morning.
#marinebiology #marinebiologyuk #northnorfolkcoast #northsea #sea #ocean #biology #wildlife #nature #intertidal #bryozoan #hydroid #sponge
#marinebiology #marinebiologyuk #northnorfolkcoast #northsea #sea #ocean #biology #wildlife #nature #intertidal #bryozoan #hydroid #sponge
Whatever the 25 Dec is for you, I hope this cross-section of the hydroid sea beard (Nemertesia antennina) finds you well, content, and at peace.
#marinebiology #marinebiologyuk #northnorfolkcoast #northsea #sea #ocean #biology #wildlife #nature #microscopy #hydroid
#marinebiology #marinebiologyuk #northnorfolkcoast #northsea #sea #ocean #biology #wildlife #nature #microscopy #hydroid