Fascinating technology! Without access to water lines, Texas colonias residents are pulling water from the desert air. #Hydropanels #SolarDistillation https://www.texastribune.org/2023/06/05/texas-colonias-water-hydro-panels-hueco-tanks-el-paso/? via @TexasTribune How expensive is this tech, @psskow? Enough extra solar for power?
#hydropanels #solardistillation
> Homeless man saved a family from apartment fire
> Hydropanels make clean drinking water
> Dog reunited with family after missing for two years
> Platypus returns to Australian national park
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> American couple who sheltered Korean tourists during blizzard
> Custodian leads school chess teams in Maine
Found this hopeful news here:
#news #hopeful #chess #dog #drag #platypus #hydropanels #kindness #homeless
#news #hopeful #chess #dog #drag #platypus #hydropanels #kindness #homeless