With thanks to the Roy Geog Soc Qld, I'll be talking about the social life of Australian nature and the case of Barka/Darling River ecocide on Tues May 2. In person in Brisbane and via Zoom (also recorded for later) https://www.rgsq.org.au/event-5246498 #Menindee #fishkill #hydrosocial
#menindee #fishkill #hydrosocial
If you teach about the social life of water, this brilliant 18 min conversation btwn Clint Jasper and @suejackson is your friend. #Menindee #fishkill #hydrosocial #place #geography
#menindee #fishkill #hydrosocial #place #geography
#China’s 'ecological civilisation'
Read the new article by Feng, Loopmans and Tondeur : #Wastewater treatment on Chongming eco-island: The cultural politics of #hydrosocial territory-making; https://www.water-alternatives.org/index.php/alldoc/articles/vol16/v16issue2/699-a16-2-2
#China #wastewater #hydrosocial
Hello to my fellow #water scholars and #geography community! I study #hydrosocial systems, water politics, #environmentaljustice, #drought, #westernwater, #energy and #climate from a #politicalecology perspective. Excited to rebuild my networks of #HumanEnvironmentInteractions people over here. #Geografriends
#climate #water #geography #hydrosocial #environmentaljustice #drought #westernwater #energy #politicalecology #humanenvironmentinteractions #geografriends