Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) [USGS]
-- <-- project web page
H/T @Anthro #GIS #spatial #mapping #coastal #storm #modeling #CoSMoS #model #spatialanalysis #extremeweather #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #prediction #hindcast #mitigation #planning #climate #climatechange #naturalhazard #emergencyresponse #emergencypreparedness #emergencymanagement #risk #hazard #publicsafety #stormdamage #stormsurge #stormpreparedness #flood #flooding #coastalflooding #remotesensing #hydrospatial #water #hydrology #hydrography #topobathy #SLR #sealevelrise #urbanplanning
#gis #spatial #mapping #coastal #storm #modeling #cosmos #model #spatialanalysis #extremeweather #spatiotemporal #prediction #hindcast #mitigation #planning #climate #climatechange #naturalhazard #emergencyresponse #emergencypreparedness #emergencymanagement #risk #hazard #publicsafety #stormdamage #stormsurge #stormpreparedness #flood #flooding #coastalflooding #remotesensing #hydrospatial #water #hydrology #hydrography #topobathy #slr #sealevelrise #urbanplanning
Flood Protection Based On Historical Records Is Flawed – We Need A Risk Model Fit For Climate Change
-- <-- shared technical article
#GIS #spatial #mapping #water #hydrospatial #hydrology #flood #flooding #model #modeling #planning #mitigation #naturalhazard #humanimpacts #climatechange #extremeweather #regulations #prediction #floodengineering #floodrisk #floodriskassessment #assessment #risk #hazard #riskassessment #floodmanagement #floodprotection #floodsafety #publicsafety #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #weatherforecast #climatechangesolutions #climateadaptation
#gis #spatial #mapping #water #hydrospatial #hydrology #flood #flooding #model #modeling #planning #mitigation #naturalhazard #humanimpacts #climatechange #extremeweather #regulations #prediction #floodengineering #floodrisk #floodriskassessment #assessment #risk #hazard #riskassessment #floodmanagement #floodprotection #floodsafety #publicsafety #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #WeatherForecast #climatechangesolutions #climateadaptation
A Drowned Future For Coastal Ecosystems
-- <-- shared technical article
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #hydrology #water #hydrospatial #coast #coastal #coastalprotection #coastalecosystems #ecosystems #climatechange #SLR #sealevel #sealevelrise #GMSL #sedimentation #tidal #tidalmarshes #mangroves #foodsecurity #coral #coralreefs #humanimpacts #global #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #remotesensing #flooding #innundation #risk #hazard
#gis #spatial #mapping #hydrology #water #hydrospatial #coast #coastal #coastalprotection #coastalecosystems #ecosystems #climatechange #slr #sealevel #sealevelrise #gmsl #sedimentation #tidal #tidalmarshes #mangroves #FoodSecurity #coral #coralreefs #humanimpacts #global #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #remotesensing #flooding #innundation #risk #hazard
National Feasibility Study For Flood Hazard Modeling And Mapping At A Regional Scale [RFP, Canada]
-- <-- request for proposal (RFP) link…
[wonderful to see such RFP’s coming out]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #canada #rfp #requestforproposal #flood #flooding #hydrospatial #opportunity #model #modeling #usecase #appliedscience #hydrology #water #risk #hazard #floodhazard #FHIMP #casestudy #casestudies
#NRCan #contract #contracting #contractingopportunities
#gis #spatial #mapping #Canada #rfp #requestforproposal #flood #flooding #hydrospatial #opportunity #model #modeling #usecase #appliedscience #hydrology #water #risk #hazard #floodhazard #fhimp #casestudy #casestudies #nrcan #contract #contracting #contractingopportunities
New USGS National Map Data Reveals The Potomac River’s Submerged Topography
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #LiDAR #opendata #HarpersFerry #westvirginia #virginia #USA #potomac #river #water #hydrology #hydrospatial #TheNationalMap #USGS #ICPRB #bathymetry #topobathy #elevation #3dep #3dntm #inflationreductionact #riverflow #appliedscience #model #modeling #fateandtransport #waterquality #waterresources #waterresourcemanagement #engineering #infrastructure #transportation #usecase #ecosystems #environment
#gis #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #lidar #opendata #harpersferry #westvirginia #virginia #USA #potomac #river #water #hydrology #hydrospatial #thenationalmap #usgs #icprb #bathymetry #topobathy #elevation #3dep #3dntm #inflationreductionact #riverflow #appliedscience #model #modeling #fateandtransport #waterquality #waterresources #waterresourcemanagement #engineering #infrastructure #transportation #usecase #ecosystems #Environment
World's Beaches Are Changing Because Of Climate Change
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #anthropogenic #climatechange #coast #coastline #coastalprocesses #greeninfrastructure #sandybeaches #beaches #mitigation #coastalengineering #coastalcommunities #mangroves #rockyshorelines #rivers #estuaries #hydro #water #hydrospatial #sanddunes #landforms #geomorphology #sealevel #SLR #sealevelrise #Anthropocene #sediment #sedimentation #innundation #erosion #protection #urbanisation #landusechange #landuseplanning #planning #resilience #ecosystems #environmental #solutions #ecology #southafrica
#gis #spatial #mapping #anthropogenic #climatechange #coast #coastline #coastalprocesses #greeninfrastructure #sandybeaches #beaches #mitigation #coastalengineering #coastalcommunities #mangroves #rockyshorelines #rivers #estuaries #Hydro #water #hydrospatial #sanddunes #landforms #geomorphology #sealevel #slr #sealevelrise #anthropocene #sediment #sedimentation #innundation #erosion #protection #urbanisation #landusechange #landuseplanning #planning #resilience #ecosystems #environmental #solutions #ecology #southafrica
A New Approach To Satellite-Derived Bathymetry - An Exercise In Seabed 2030 Coastal Surveys
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #satellitederivedbathymetry #SDB #nauticalcharting #machinelearning #IHOstandards #GEBCO #Seabed2030 #radiativetransferequation #RTE #remotesensing #satellite #model #modeling #hydrography #hydrospatial #marine #charts #navigation #nautical #gischat #bathymetry #topobathy #automation #ESA
#gis #spatial #mapping #satellitederivedbathymetry #sdb #nauticalcharting #machinelearning #ihostandards #gebco #seabed2030 #radiativetransferequation #rte #remotesensing #satellite #model #modeling #hydrography #hydrospatial #marine #charts #navigation #nautical #gischat #bathymetry #topobathy #automation #Esa
7% 25% Of The Ocean Floor Mapped From 2017 (Seabed 2030)
-- <-- @Seabed2030 web site
H/T Dennis Haines
“🗺 Did you know that in 2017, only 6% of the world’s seafloor had been mapped to modern standards? Considering the ocean spans some 70% of the Earth’s surface, that’s a significant gap!
But over the past five years since Seabed 2030 launched, we’ve been able to map almost 25% of the ocean floor.
By discovering more about the seabed, we gain a greater understanding of our environment and can ensure its protection. After all, we can’t protect what we don’t know…”
#seabed2030 #mappingthefuture #oceanscience #hydrospatial
#GIS #spatial #mapping #seabed2030 #mappingthefuture #oceanscience #hydrospatial #ocean #marine #bathymetry #topobathy #remotesensing #sonar #satellite #charts #navigation #oceanmapping #seafloor #Seabed2030 #oceanfloor #oceanconservation #environment #oceanography #marineenvironment #marineconservation #gischat
#seabed2030 #mappingthefuture #oceanscience #hydrospatial #gis #spatial #mapping #ocean #marine #bathymetry #topobathy #remotesensing #sonar #satellite #charts #navigation #oceanmapping #seafloor #oceanfloor #OceanConservation #Environment #oceanography #marineenvironment #marineconservation #gischat
Scientists Detect Sign That A Crucial Ocean Current [AMOC] Is Near Collapse
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #AMOC #AtlanticMeridionalOverturningCirculation #atlantic #current #nutrients #hydrospatial #global #climatechange #impacts #humanimpact #marine #ocean #hydrology #water #climate #climatesystem #collapse #aquaticconveyorbelt #risk #hazard #temperature #nutrients #climatecrisis #climatechangeimpacts #amoc #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #prediction #spatiotemporal #bathtub #stagnant
#gis #spatial #mapping #amoc #atlanticmeridionaloverturningcirculation #atlantic #current #nutrients #hydrospatial #global #climatechange #impacts #humanimpact #marine #ocean #hydrology #water #climate #climatesystem #collapse #aquaticconveyorbelt #risk #hazard #temperature #climatecrisis #climatechangeimpacts #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #prediction #spatiotemporal #bathtub #stagnant
Sometimes it is extra nice to have fibre at the house...
2.3Gb down in < 5 minutes...
#GIS #spatial #mapping #CoNED #opendata #topobathy #hydrospatial #gischat #bathymetry #elevation #remotesensing #MajuroAtoll #MarshallIslands #WFH #homeoffice
#gis #spatial #mapping #coned #opendata #topobathy #hydrospatial #gischat #bathymetry #elevation #remotesensing #majuroatoll #marshallislands #WFH #homeoffice
Catastrophic Beach Sand Losses Due To Erosion From Predicted Future Sea Level Rise (0.5–1.0 M), Based On Increasing Submarine Accommodation Spaces In The High-Wave-Energy Coast Of The Pacific Northwest, Washington, Oregon, And Northern California, USA
-- <-- shared paper
H/T @Anthro
#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #sampling #coast #coastline #climatechange #energy #future #erosion #sealevelrise #sealevel #SLR #washington #oregon #nocal #pnw #pacificnorthwest #beaches #coastalprotection #coastalimpacts #impacts #stormsurge #beacherosion #storm #stormsurge #extremeweather #ocean #marine #hydrospatial #sediment #loss #sedimentology #sedimentation #longshoredrift #estuary #estuarine #river #beachloss #naturalhazard #ecosystem #environment
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #sampling #coast #coastline #climatechange #energy #future #erosion #sealevelrise #sealevel #slr #Washington #oregon #nocal #pnw #pacificnorthwest #beaches #coastalprotection #coastalimpacts #impacts #stormsurge #beacherosion #storm #extremeweather #ocean #marine #hydrospatial #sediment #loss #sedimentology #sedimentation #longshoredrift #Estuary #estuarine #river #beachloss #naturalhazard #ecosystem #Environment
The Best And Worst Case Scenarios For Sea Level Rise
-- <-- shared media article
#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #hydrology #water #hydrospatial #spatiotemporal #spatialanalysis #global #sealevel #sealevelrise #SLR #india #london #china #mumbai #bangladesh #NYC #newyork #newyorkcity #cities #megacities #impacts #coast #coastal #flood #flooding #stormsurge #infrastructure #climatechange #extremeweather #erosion #deposition #sedimentation #salinity #groundwater #groundwaterintrusion #groundwatersalinity #subsidence #precipitation #rainfall #storms #geology #engineeringgeology #naturalhazard #cyclone #hurricanes #economic #economy #mitigation #costs #publicsafety #publichealth #coastalresilience #coastalcommunities #coastalengineering #coastline #coastalprotection #future #change
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #hydrology #water #hydrospatial #spatiotemporal #spatialanalysis #global #sealevel #sealevelrise #slr #india #london #China #mumbai #Bangladesh #nyc #NewYork #newyorkcity #cities #megacities #impacts #coast #coastal #flood #flooding #stormsurge #infrastructure #climatechange #extremeweather #erosion #deposition #sedimentation #salinity #groundwater #groundwaterintrusion #groundwatersalinity #subsidence #precipitation #rainfall #storms #geology #engineeringgeology #naturalhazard #cyclone #hurricanes #economic #economy #mitigation #costs #publicsafety #publichealth #coastalresilience #coastalcommunities #coastalengineering #coastline #coastalprotection #future #change
Seychelles Hydrospatial Observatory for Research and Exploration (SHORE)
-- <-- their web page
#GIS #spatial #mapping #hydrospatial #Seychelles #SHORE #NGO #research #climatechange #biodiversity #environment #sustainabledevelopment #sustainable #marine #management #future #economy #gischat #island #coast #coastline #ocean #oceanconservation #oceans #oceanography #water #hydrology #hydrography #marinebiology #marinegeography #resourcemanagement #naturalresources #naturalresourcemanagement #navigation #marinesafety
#gis #spatial #mapping #hydrospatial #Seychelles #shore #ngo #research #climatechange #biodiversity #Environment #sustainabledevelopment #sustainable #marine #management #future #economy #gischat #island #coast #coastline #ocean #OceanConservation #oceans #oceanography #water #hydrology #hydrography #marinebiology #marinegeography #resourcemanagement #naturalresources #naturalresourcemanagement #navigation #marinesafety
Automated Coastline Extraction Using the Very High Resolution WorldView (WV) Satellite Imagery and Developed Coastline Extraction Tool (CET)
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #coastline #extraction #tool #CET #WorldView #multispectraldata #thermalimagery #coastalparadox #coast #remotesensing #highresolution #imagery #satellite #management #planning #earthobservation #WV #Dalmatia #croatia #water #hydrology #hydrospatial #shoreline #spatialanalysis
#gis #spatial #mapping #coastline #extraction #tool #cet #worldview #multispectraldata #thermalimagery #coastalparadox #coast #remotesensing #highresolution #imagery #satellite #management #planning #earthobservation #wv #dalmatia #croatia #water #hydrology #hydrospatial #shoreline #spatialanalysis
Communicating Future Sea-Level Rise Uncertainty And Ambiguity To Assessment Users
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #geography #sealevel #SLR #sealevel #sealevelchange #change #planning #future #communication #science #translation #uncertainity #oceangraphy #hydrospatial #hydrography #appliedscience #IPCC #coastal #coast #coastalcommunities #risk #hazard #planning #monitoring #mitigation #climatechange
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #geography #sealevel #slr #sealevelchange #change #planning #future #communication #science #translation #uncertainity #oceangraphy #hydrospatial #hydrography #appliedscience #ipcc #coastal #coast #coastalcommunities #risk #hazard #monitoring #mitigation #climatechange
3D Nation Study Hub Site Now Available! [NOAA + USGS]
-- <-- NOAA technical article / ‘press release’
-- <-- NOAA 3D Nation Elevation Requirements and Benefits Study
#GIS #spatial #mapping #elevation #opendata #bathymetry #webportal #data #businesscase #offshore #benefits #benefitsstudy #3D #data #terrestrial #marine #offshore #hydrospatial #usecase #national #USA #datasets #datacollection #planning #3DNation #3DTNM #3DEP #topobathy #topographic #bathymetric #coast #coastal #businessuse #maps #CoNED #gischat #NOAA #USGS
#gis #spatial #mapping #elevation #opendata #bathymetry #webportal #data #businesscase #offshore #benefits #benefitsstudy #3d #terrestrial #marine #hydrospatial #usecase #national #USA #datasets #datacollection #planning #3dnation #3dtnm #3dep #topobathy #topographic #bathymetric #coast #coastal #businessuse #Maps #coned #gischat #noaa #usgs
Scientists Unveil Mass Online Mapping Tool Revealing Marine Life On Ocean Floors [Seamap Australia]
-- <-- shared media article
-- <-- Seamap Australia - National Marine Benthic Habitat Map
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Australia #Seamap #opendata #crowdsourcing #repository #marine #benthic #habitat #hydrospatial #bathtmetry #data #community #research #university #science #onlinemapping #webmap #dataportal #seafloor #marinescience #oceanography #spatialanalysis #gischat
#gis #spatial #mapping #Australia #seamap #opendata #crowdsourcing #repository #marine #benthic #habitat #hydrospatial #bathtmetry #data #community #research #University #science #onlinemapping #webmap #dataportal #seafloor #marinescience #oceanography #spatialanalysis #gischat
A Remarkable New View Of The Titanic Shipwreck Is Here, Thanks To Deep-Sea Mappers
-- <-- shared media article
-- <-- Magellan’s home page
“A deep sea-mapping company has created the first-ever full-sized digital scan of the Titanic, revealing an entirely new view of the world's most famous shipwreck..."
#GIS #spatial #mapping #maps #Titanic #shipwreck #hydrospatial #remotesensing #scan #technology #data #digital
#gis #spatial #mapping #Maps #titanic #shipwreck #hydrospatial #remotesensing #scan #Technology #data #digital
2022 Sea Level Rise Technical Report
-- <-- shared post/resource
“Updated projections available through 2150 for all U.S. coastal waters…
The Sea Level Rise Technical Report provides the most up-to-date sea level rise projections available for all U.S. states and territories; decision-makers will look to it for information.
This multi-agency effort, representing the first update since 2017, offers projections out to the year 2150 and information to help communities assess potential changes in average tide heights and height-specific threshold frequencies as they strive to adapt to sea level rise…”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #water #hydrology #hydrospatial #data #future #coast #coastal #flooding #flood #stormsurge #sealevel #sealevelrise #SLR #climatechange #global #industrialrevolution #model #modeling #remotesensing #satellite #risk #hazard #coastalcommunities #coastalengineering #NOAA
#gis #spatial #mapping #water #hydrology #hydrospatial #data #future #coast #coastal #flooding #flood #stormsurge #sealevel #sealevelrise #slr #climatechange #global #industrialrevolution #model #modeling #remotesensing #satellite #risk #hazard #coastalcommunities #coastalengineering #noaa