Up to now,the main #reference in #science is the #concept of #biosphere ,defined as the #global #ecological #system integrating all #living #beings and their #relationships ,including their #interaction with #elements of the #lithosphere , #cryosphere , #hydrosphere and #athmosphere .With new #research on #Earth 's not well known inner #core (and how it's #rotating )it may be necessary to considerably #broaden the #perspective ,or even to adopt a totally new #paradigm .
#reference #science #concept #biosphere #global #ecological #system #living #beings #relationships #interaction #elements #lithosphere #cryosphere #hydrosphere #athmosphere #research #earth #core #broaden #perspective #paradigm #rotating
Today's the day! It's #PlasticPollution day at #AGU22. We've got 5 #Plastics in the #Hydrosphere sessions today starting at 9 am CST. Three oral, with in person presentations, streamed to zoom. 1 online poster discussion & 1 in person, but e-poster session. Join us in Chicago or online everywhere. @plasticpollution
#hydrosphere #plastics #agu22 #plasticpollution