Natural Alternatives to Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. You won't get a prescription from a medical doctor because these medicines actually work unlike vaccines. Learn how to protect yourself from covid vaccine shedders and spreaders, flu infections, parasites, worms and anything else they patent to unleash on your or try to force on you. They are trying to unleash a new virus on us more lethal than the covid-19 vaccine, so you better be ready for more of their toxic crap! #hcq #hydroxychloroquine #ivermectin #covid #vaccines
#HCQ #hydroxychloroquine #ivermectin #COVID #vaccines
The first amendment protects your right to spew nonsense. It doesn't prevent states from pulling your medical license if you're doing that.
#maine #misinformation #covid #ivermectin #hydroxychloroquine #quack
#maine #misinformation #COVID #ivermectin #hydroxychloroquine #quack
Quelle surprise 😐
French research centre behind controversial #Covid19 #hydroxychloroquine paper found to have used questionable ethics processes
Covid : au moins 16 000 décès dus à l'hydroxychloroquine
#hydroxychloroquine #victimes_covid #mortalité #covid
#hydroxychloroquine #victimes_covid #mortalite #covid Natural Alternatives to Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. You won't get a prescription from a medical doctor because these medicines actually work unlike vaccines. Learn how to protect yourself from covid vaccine shedders and spreaders, flu infections, parasites, worms and anything else they patent to unleash on your or try to force on you. They are trying to unleash a new virus on us more lethal than the covid-19 vaccine, so you better be ready for more of their toxic crap! #hcq #hydroxychloroquine #ivermectin #covid #vaccines
#HCQ #hydroxychloroquine #ivermectin #COVID #vaccines Natural Alternatives to Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. You won't get a prescription from a medical doctor because these medicines actually work unlike vaccines. Learn how to protect yourself from covid-19, coronaviruses, variants, flu infections, parasites, worms and anything else they patent to unleash on your or try to force on you. They are trying to unleash a new virus on us, so you better be ready for more of their toxic crap! #hcq #hydroxychloroquine #ivermectin #covid-19 #vaccines
#vaccines #COVID #ivermectin #hydroxychloroquine #HCQ
Found out today that I've had visual snow for quite a while. Was asked if I have any floaters at the opthalmologist. I said no floaters but I see "rainbow TV static pixels" everywhere and they can make it harder to see at night. Here's a picture that's supposed to show what having visual snow is like. I'm now seeing my opthalmologist yearly since I take #hydroxychloroquine and #dupixent which can affect vision. #VisualSnow
#hydroxychloroquine #dupixent #VisualSnow
Assez savoureux, et bien regrettable :
L'amateurisme scientifique concernant l'étude sur l'hydroxychloroquine dans le cas du Covid-19 entre au panthéon de l'amateurisme scientifique et sert déjà de contre-exemple pour démontrer l'intérêt des essais comparatifs randomisés en double aveugle. (Source : Prescrire, mars 2023).
#médecine #recherche #essaiclinique #science #ihu #RAOULT #hydroxychloroquine #covid
#medecine #recherche #essaiclinique #Science #ihu #RAOULT #hydroxychloroquine #covid
I can say with some certainty that I have spent all the time in #Florida I ever will spend. The NYT’s article about the “health freedom” campaign against hospitals that do not recommend using #ivermectin nor #hydroxychloroquine to treat #covid just strengthens my certainty.
#florida #ivermectin #hydroxychloroquine #covid Natural Alternatives to Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. You won't get a prescription from a medical doctor because these medicines actually work unlike vaccines. Learn how to protect yourself from cancer covid-19, coronaviruses, variants, flu infections, parasites, worms and anything else they patent to unleash on your or try to force on you. #hcq #hydroxychloroquine #ivermectin #cancer #vaccines
#vaccines #cancer #ivermectin #hydroxychloroquine #HCQ Natural Alternatives to Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. You won't get a prescription from a medical doctor because these medicines actually work unlike vaccines. Learn how to protect yourself from cancer covid-19, coronaviruses, variants, flu infections, parasites, worms and anything else they patent to unleash on your or try to force on you. #hcq #hydroxychloroquine #ivermectin #cancer #vaccines
#vaccines #cancer #ivermectin #hydroxychloroquine #HCQ
"the results pretty clearly show that expertise doesn't serve as a vaccine to prevent ideology from clouding people's judgments"
#covid #vaccine #ivermectin #hydroxychloroquine #conspiracy
Yes, it’s unfortunate that some doctors are not following the science.
“Conservatives showed the converse behavior, being enthusiastic about ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and less likely to think vaccines worked. If you plot these results across a liberal-to-conservative axis, the result is a nearly straight line with a slope that represents the liberal-conservative difference of opinion.”
#covid #vaccine #ivermectin #hydroxychloroquine #conspiracy
#covid #vaccine #ivermectin #hydroxychloroquine #conspiracy
Proposed #KSLeg is trending: Authorizing the over-the-counter purchase of #ivermectin tablets and #hydroxychloroquine tablets within the state.
#ksleg #ivermectin #hydroxychloroquine
#Lancet retracts #fake #science #study claiming #hydroxychloroquine #causes #heartdisease
#heartdisease #CAUSES #hydroxychloroquine #study #science #fake #Lancet
Juste pour se mettre en train :
Le meilleur article de tous les temps | Le blog de Michaël, médecin généraliste
#JournauxPredateurs #Trottinettes #Hydroxychloroquine
#journauxpredateurs #trottinettes #hydroxychloroquine
#Hydroxychloroquine for treatment of non‐hospitalized adults with #COVID‐19: A meta‐analysis of individual participant data of 11 randomized trials.
Zero effect. Literally zero.
This is what a placebo looks like.
Fox’s Katie Pavlich Says Dems ‘Panicking’ Because Elon Musk Will No Longer Let Them Control Science.
Remember; It was US #republicans who died after
#bleach injection
Impact of Trump's Promotion of Unproven COVID-19 Treatments and Subsequent Internet Trends: Observational Study
#republicans #hydroxychloroquine #ivermectin #bleach
#Hydroxychloroquine lowers #Alzheimer's disease and related dementias risk
#hydroxychloroquine #alzheimer Natural Alternatives to Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. You won't get a prescription from a medical doctor because these medicines actually work unlike vaccines. Learn how to protect yourself from covid-19, coronaviruses, variants, flu infections, parasites, worms and anything else they patent to unleash on your or try to force on you. #hcq #hydroxychloroquine #ivermectin #covid-19 #monkeypox
#MonkeyPox #COVID #ivermectin #hydroxychloroquine #HCQ