It has been a very rainy #Summer so far, the tree #frogs really seem to be enjoying that.
Squirrel Tree Frog, #Hyla squirella
#FujiFilm X-S10, #laowa 65mm #Macro
#summer #frogs #hyla #fujifilm #laowa #macro #herpetology #herps #treefrogs #macrophotography #naturephotography #amphibians
Have a #FroggyFriday!
juvenile Green treefrog, #Hyla cinerea (I think)
#froggyfriday #hyla #fujifilm #laowa #macro #frog #friday #macrophotography #treefrog #naturephotography
Effects of background colors on newts pigmentation and oxidative stress as consequence of color maintenance and change.
#hyla #oxidativestress #amphibians #coloration #lab29 #tadpole #ecophysiology
#hyla #oxidativestress #amphibians #coloration #lab29 #tadpole #ecophysiology
La reineta meridional (Hyla meridionalis) és un dels anfibis més petits d'Europa i està dotada d'unes ventoses als dits que la capaciten per trepar per la vegetació.
Mediterranean tree frog (Hyla meridionalis), one of the smallest amphibians in Europe.
#amphibia #hyla #frog #reineta #inaturalist #macrophotography #macro #wildlife #naturephotography #photography #nature #biodiversity #natura #naturaleza
#amphibia #hyla #frog #reineta #inaturalist #macrophotography #macro #wildlife #naturephotography #photography #nature #biodiversity #natura #naturaleza
Ghosting wurde 100% von Hyla-Verkäufern erfunden, die gefragt wurden, ob es objektive Tests und fundierte Ergebnisse für die „Qualität von #Hyla “ gibt.