Typical totally boring video until the punch at the end. #Hymenoptera #insects https://youtu.be/DNRq5Vr5kNo
Busy native bee with a large stash of yellow pollen under its abdomen. Looks like pixie dust.
Armored resin bees, Heriades sp. http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/181792663
#insects #entomology #nativebees #hymenoptera #inaturalist
Excuse me, is this the way out of the nest?
Male ant, looking—as usual—like it got out of the bus at the wrong stop. http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/181806261
#insects #entomology #ants #hymenoptera #inaturalist
A Pteromalidae parasitoid wasp sits still next to a ground crab spider, Xysticus sp. Thanks to Adriano Cazzuoli at #iNaturalist am now alerted to the possibility that this wasp is a parasite of the spider’s eggs. To top it off, the spider has predated upon a smaller wasp of similar colouration, Pteromalidae-like in shape, and is holding on its jaws; and between there’s a whitish maggot or pupa of perhaps a small hymenopteran.
Pteromalidae wasp: http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/180338617
Xysticus sp. spider: http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/180338944
#SpiderSunday #Hymenoptera #Aranea #spiders #wasplove #wasps #entomology #insects
#insects #entomology #wasps #wasplove #spiders #aranea #hymenoptera #spidersunday #inaturalist
@Natur Thanks for the zoom in! I only ever notice whether a wasp is stylopized a posteriori, when looking at photos; often it's experts who pointed it out to me. In the spur of the moment it's not something one thinks about.
I've found at least 4 stylopized wasps and 1 bee: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&q=stylopized&taxon_id=47201&user_id=albertcardona&verifiable=any
Some are quite extreme in how much the tergite is pushed out of its natural position. Most obvious is the bee, a Hylaeus, perhaps because of the color contrast: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/89223666
#stylopized #nativebees #entomology #iNaturalist #Hymenoptera
#hymenoptera #inaturalist #entomology #nativebees #stylopized
#wasplove clearly!
“Decoding the genetic and chemical basis of sexual attractiveness in parasitic wasps” by Sun et al. 2023 https://elifesciences.org/articles/86182
#parasitoids #insects #entomology #wasps #hymenoptera #wasplove
Plenty of blue in the insect world:
Chrysis inaequalis, a cuckoo wasp with metallic blue and red colouration http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/92829547
And yeah, the blue is likely from refraction.
#iNaturalist #wasps #Hymenoptera #entomology #insects #wasplove #Dalmatia
#dalmatia #wasplove #insects #entomology #hymenoptera #wasps #inaturalist
An unidentified moth with a luxurious sedimentary cloak wrapped around its shoulders.
The image also features the @futurebird -mandated photobombing ant, without which it would incur a 10% "missing ant" fee.
#moth #mothstodon #lepidoptera #insects #hymenoptera #ants #photography
#moth #mothstodon #lepidoptera #insects #hymenoptera #ants #photography
Just a bumblebee where I wouldn’t normally expect to see any this time if the year, up in the hills of an island in #Dalmatia. It’s been raining far more than usual and the fields are green and in blossom, instead of the usual dry.
#iNaturalist #bumblebees #Hymenoptera #entomology #insects #bees
#bees #insects #entomology #hymenoptera #bumblebees #inaturalist #dalmatia
New review from Juusola/Chittka lab
#drosophila #hymenoptera #vision #neuroscience
#drosophila #hymenoptera #vision #neuroscience
Did you get your bee-on-a-stick yet today?
European woolcarder bee, Anthidium manicatum http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/178674808
#iNaturalist #Hymenoptera #nativebees #bees #entomology #insects #Dalmatia
#dalmatia #insects #entomology #bees #nativebees #hymenoptera #inaturalist
“I find your lack of faith disturbing.”
Large carpenter bee, Xylocopa sp. A good 4 centimetres if not more. http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/178658335
#iNaturalist #Hymenoptera #nativebees #entomology #insects #Dalmatia #bees #DarthVader #StarWars
#starwars #darthvader #bees #dalmatia #insects #entomology #nativebees #hymenoptera #inaturalist
Wow what a scene. Moulting renders insects vulnerable. A while back I witnessed how a hornet Vespula germanica chewed on the soft wings of a moulting Egyptian bird grasshoper, Anacridium aegyptium http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/91574142
I too wonder why insects have such a weak point. Only social insects, who protect each other, are spared. Others have to dig themselves into crevices, like solitary bees, yet are still subject to predation.
#iNaturalist #Hymenoptera #Orthoptera #predation #entomology #insects #locusts #wasps #wasplove
#wasplove #wasps #locusts #insects #entomology #predation #Orthoptera #hymenoptera #inaturalist
Wow what a scene. Moulting renders insects vulnerable. A while back I witnessed how a hornet Vespula germanica chewed on the soft wings of a moulting Egyptian bird grasshoper, Anacridium aegyptium http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/91574142
I too wonder why insects have such a weak point. Only social insects, who protect each other, are spared. Others have to dig themselves into crevices, like solitary bees, yet are still subject to predation.
#iNaturalist #Hymenoptera #Orthoptera #predation #entomology #insects #locusts #wasps #wasplove
#wasplove #wasps #locusts #insects #entomology #predation #Orthoptera #hymenoptera #inaturalist
Nomioides, my favourite bee genus, spotter resting on a dry twig near a rock wall offering lots of crevices for nesting. http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/178452784
#insects #hymenoptera #entomology #nativebees #inaturalist
If I was to nominate an insect in a vampire lookalike contest, this would be one of my top entries:
Stilbula sp., a wasp that, by the looks of it, is a parasitoid http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/178149023
#iNaturalist #Hymenoptera #wasplove #wasps #entomology #insects
#insects #entomology #wasps #wasplove #hymenoptera #inaturalist
That ants are strong has since long entered popular culture. Yet their strength and persistence is a joy to witness. Inspiring.
Unknown ant dragging a much, much larger dead hoverfly of the Scaeva genus http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/178048933 over rugged (relatively speaking) terrain straight into its nest.
#entomology #Hymenoptera #Formicidae #ants #Diptera #hoverflies #insects #iPhonePhotography
#iphonephotography #insects #hoverflies #diptera #ants #formicidae #hymenoptera #entomology
A collection of bees, butterflies, flies and bugs on the sea holly Eryngium bourgatti, in the #Pyrenees:
#Hemiptera #lepidoptera #diptera #hymenoptera #inaturalist #pyrenees
We depart from UC Santa Barbara, #California, and take with us the memories of excellent outdoors near campus.
West Coast lady, Vanessa Annabella https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/176318388
Long-billed curlew, Numenius americanus https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/176318429
Steniola sp., a sand wasp, on searocket flowers https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/176318543
Halictini solitary bee with a full pollen basket https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/176318653
#iNaturalist #Hymenoptera #Lepidoptera #Aves #nativebees #wasplove #entomology #insects
#insects #entomology #wasplove #nativebees #aves #lepidoptera #hymenoptera #inaturalist #california
There aren’t many solitary bees this late in the season in coastal Southern California, but perhaps because it rained so much and the fields are in blossom, here and there—very sparsely— I’ve spotted some.
Here an unknown solitary bee—perhaps an Halictini—on a thistle-like flower of bright yellow colours. http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/175677277
#iNaturalist #Hymenoptera #entomology #insects #nativebees #California
#california #nativebees #insects #entomology #hymenoptera #inaturalist