Susi Arnott · @SusiArnott
169 followers · 1270 posts · Server

Beyond satire, beyond hyperbole- how is this even a question? ("Should addictive products be explicitly marketed to children?")

#hyperConsumption #hypercapitalism

Last updated 1 year ago

Savings are not capitalism. Saving your money is almost antithetical to the current system.

Keynesians are anti-saving because goes against their cult of and .

Get with the program… programs being and Monero.

@NunyaBidness get off Cloudflare.

#corporateState #saving #hyperConsumption #extremeWaste #bitcoincore #Keynesians #warOnSavers

Last updated 2 years ago

When it comes to and , can we all please condemn (as swiftly as humanly possible) the notion of ().

The is set to fund a $280M (USD) project with to build the country's first .

The continuing march of the .

What we need is a proper of , (aka cronyism) and .

#nuclearEnergy #greenwashing #SmallModularReactors #SMRs #UKGovt #RollsRoyce #smr #deathcult #Rethink #growthism #corporatism #hyperConsumption #HowVeryKeynesian #ukpol #consumption #moneyPrinterGoDrr #DepletedUranium #whyBitcoinCore #degrowth

Last updated 3 years ago

New growth in"dust"ry: Exporative Finance

Think that have a four year expiry but that actually dissolve in air instantly any time after at least 2 weeks.

#giftcards #growthIndustry #fedCoin #thefed #evaporativeFinance #consume #hyperConsumption #JanetYellen #lateStageCorporatism

Last updated 4 years ago