Let's print more money to make a #website to show how #smallRetailers are #inflatingPrices due to the money printing.
…while not telling the consumer that we are inflating the #moneySupply.
Gotta shift that blame to #smallBusiness.
#inflation #blameShift #griftLayering #transparencySansTransparency #smokeAndMirrors #bankerCrimes #whiteCollarCrimes #counterFiatCurrencies #USD #moneyPrinterGoDrr #printMoreMoney #hyperinflation #collapse
#website #smallRetailers #inflatingPrices #moneySupply #smallbusiness #inflation #blameShift #griftLayering #transparencySansTransparency #smokeAndMirrors #bankerCrimes #whiteCollarCrimes #counterFiatCurrencies #usd #moneyPrinterGoDrr #printMoreMoney #hyperInflation #collapse
This is not so much about #hyperinflation, they are accepting the Fiat via online payments.
Also in a hyperinflation, all things remaining equal, the amount of physical cash will start to vanish because the physical printers, at least in Australia (we have plastic notes with holograms and such), will not be able to keep up with it hyperinflation. Our opinion. Could be wrong.
H'Infl'n is an disaster, distinct from inflation. It can't be policed.
The wind sock at the local #football oval needs to be patched up a bit.
"Would you like a new grandstand with that?" said #Australia's PM and Chief #RealEstateSpruiker.
#moneyPrinterGoBrr #scottyFromMarketing #hyperInflation #goldPlating #boondoggles
#football #australia #RealEstateSpruiker #moneyPrinterGoBrr #ScottyFromMarketing #hyperInflation #goldPlating #boondoggles
RobinHood is one story
What we meant is that when a Bitcoin meltup happens due to #hyperinflation, Cloudflare are in a position to block trades in a strategic manner also. Because they are so big they'll be able to claim "#cyberAttack" and that would all the #plausibleDeniability that they need.
Keep in mind the Cloudflare started as a "business" after the #GFC.
#hyperInflation #cyberattack #plausibleDeniability #gfc
Some can't cash out even if they wanted to.
Others have been demonised and rejected by an ignorant few for advocating an end to extreme #assetInflation.
So we say not only are the gains in bitcoin's value justified, well-earned and well-deserved…
Expect more as #moneyPrinterGoBrr.
#rightSideOfHistory #inflation #hyperinflation #housePrices #stopRobbingYourChildren #defundAllTheJeffreyEpsteins
#assetinflation #moneyPrinterGoBrr #rightsideofhistory #inflation #hyperInflation #houseprices #stopRobbingYourChildren #defundAllTheJeffreyEpsteins
Are they seriously going to blame an #EMP #bitcoin attack on #aliens?
They're really clutching at straws now.
Since #Vietnam the west has not only been #morallyBankrupt but #monetarilyBankrupt also.
But as they say, the bigger the lie the more likely people will believe it.
#bankrupt #bankerCrimes #repoScandal #hyperinflation #theBiggerTheLie #GalacticFederation #defundAllTheJeffreyEpsteins #useBitcoin #faradayBag #faradayCage
#emp #bitcoin #aliens #vietnam #morallyBankrupt #monetarilyBankrupt #bankrupt #bankerCrimes #repoScandal #hyperInflation #theBiggerTheLie #GalacticFederation #defundAllTheJeffreyEpsteins #usebitcoin #faradayBag #faradayCage
What happened in #Lebanon is awful - absolutely awful.
We heard that many #Lebanese use #bitcoin due to the #hyperInflation. Which aid groups/organisations in Lebanon accept it?
Is there a list for easy access?
#lebanon #lebanese #bitcoin #hyperInflation
1 #bitcoin per month would be better. No chance of #hyperinflation. ;)
#moneyprintergobrr #giabo #thegreatdollardivestment #endwaronsavers #bitcoinisabubblelol
#bitcoin #hyperInflation #moneyPrinterGoBrr #GIABO #thegreatdollardivestment #endwaronsavers #bitcoinisabubblelol
But if #savings are the basis of #capital, and #centralBankers attack savers...
Does that mean the #USA is #anticapitalist?
#socialismfortherich #capitalismforthe99percent #kleptocracy #engineeredInequality #inequality #centralBanking #nepotism #phonycapitalism #cronyism #cronycapitalism #led #rupertmurdoch #informationwar #leftUnsaid #eyesWideShut #eyesWideOpen #deleteMurdoch #indoctrination #publicrelations #assetInflation #cantillonEffect #inflation #qeToInfinity #hyperInflation
#savings #capital #centralBankers #usa #anticapitalist #socialismfortherich #capitalismForThe99Percent #kleptocracy #engineeredInequality #inequality #centralBanking #nepotism #phonycapitalism #cronyism #cronycapitalism #led #rupertmurdoch #informationWar #leftUnsaid #eyesWideShut #eyeswideopen #deleteMurdoch #indoctrination #publicrelations #assetinflation #cantilloneffect #inflation #qeToInfinity #hyperInflation