@kagan #hyperacusis is not a joke. It’s good to see you recognize/acknowledge it
Es ist so herrlich 🤩
Das Haus ist leer. Komplett.
Das lauteste Geräusch ist der Trinkbrunnen und das Tapsen vom Kater, wenn er vorbei geht.
Meine #hyperacusis kann mal einen Gang runter schalten 😌
Many probably know this but I just heard there are some quiet hair dryers on the market now. Could be useful for households where there is somebody with #soundsensitivity e.g. people with #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis, #autism, etc.
#soundsensitivity #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #autism #noisesensitivity #pwme #hyperacusis #mecfs #cfs
Our refrigerator makes a noise. 😭 It mostly only bothers me when I'm actually in the kitchen. Elsewhere, depending on distance, I either cannot hear it or I can drown out the sound with something else. #hyperacusis
This seems a bit simplistic. Could there be a variety of responses? Are there outliers? How do misophonia, hyperacusis, and phonophobia “fit in” with these conclusions? Is there a clear delineation btwn misophonia and hyperacusis? Some people are intolerant to or uncomfortable with silence.
How humans process sound, and lack of, is more complex than this article suggests.
#misophonia #hyperacusis #phonophobia
#phonophobia #hyperacusis #misophonia
Here’s an interesting talk on #soundsensitivity in autistic people. #misophonia #phonophobia #tinnitus #hyperacusis
#soundsensitivity #misophonia #phonophobia #tinnitus #hyperacusis
Warning for people with #hyperacusis watching #StarTrek #StrangeNewWorlds this week — there are a lot of high-pitched, piercing sounds in this episode (S2 E4 “Among the Lotus Eaters”), especially near the start. #pain #Isensepain
#hyperacusis #startrek #strangenewworlds #pain #isensepain
I really like the #99PercentInvisicle ( #99PI ) #podcast
I generally enjoy #RomanMars’ #soothing voice, but this was hard
The episode (540) is called The Siren Of Scrap Metal. It took me on an #audio-only journey through a #Mexican #subculture.
Good stuff, in spite of the #noise
#hyperacusis #noise #subculture #mexican #audio #soothing #romanmars #podcast #99pi #99percentinvisicle
Helemaal geen carnavalherrie meer vandaag. Het is echt beter geworden, hoewel ik dat snel af wil kloppen. De laatste jaren was het minder vanwege corona, dacht ik. Er ging ook een optocht niet door vanwege wind. Maar dit jaar zou het weer volle kracht zijn en dat is het niet.
De winkelstraatmuziek en andere evenementen zijn ook minder. Nu het carillon en de kerkklokken nog.
Het is het geluidsterreurevenement carnaval, vijf dagen durend. Gelukkig heb ik nu noise cancelling op mn laptop. Dus ik kan in de huiskamer aan de straatkant blijven.
Goed mn naproxenregime volhouden, zodat ik geen oorontsteking krijg. Anders kan ik niet met oordoppen slapen.
#teringherrie #huisgebonden #chronischziek #hyperacusis
Het is het geluidsterreurevenement carnaval, vijf dagen durend. Gelukkig heb ik nu noise cancelling op mn laptop. Dus ik kan in de huiskamer aan de straatkant blijven.
#teringherrie #huisgebonden #chronischziek #hyperacusis
Earplugs in if I have to. I am not going to let this beat me today. #hyperacusis
I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the folks at Flare Audio and the work they’ve done towards genuinely helping those who suffer from Hyperacusis and other sound-related conditions. Not only do I have a renewed sense of hope for the future, but I’ve also regained the ability to listen to music again. You have no idea how grateful I am for that. What’s next? Can you say E-Prototype? Rock on! #hyperacusis #FlareAudio
I suffer from a hearing condition known as Hyperacusis, which makes sound ten times louder than normal. The Calmer PRO (from Flare Audio) are tiny, hollow, silicone ear plugs that reduce distortion by bypassing the effect of the Concha. They do this by using a tiny waveguide that reflects sound into my ears. Sound normally bounces up and down along the ear canal. These little things guide sound directly to the back of my ears. The effect is life-changing. #hyperacusis #sound #audio
@MEFoggyDog I suffer #hyperacusis #tinnitus in both ears and poor hearing of mid-range sounds in one ear. I havenæ been able to determine a pattern after so e twenty-five years, so coukd not aver that symptoms occur during bad -patches.
Ik lees net dat een plein voor mijn huis herbestemd wordt. Ipv herrie (evenementen) komt er nu groen. Ook wordt het verkeer eromheen geremd.
Zo blij mee.
#hyperacusis #chronischziek #actuallyautistic #autistisch
I realise this sounds curmudgeonly, but some young families - noisy & utterly oblivious to anyone else in the world - have no idea just how annoying they are to other people, and by people I mean me. I'm sure parenthood must trigger a 'fuck everyone else' chemical in the brain.
So, I'm escaping my clanking, thudding, scraping, hammering, shrieking neighbours by walking around the arctic circle on googlemaps whilst wearing noise-cancelling headphones.