When your GM calls the random event generator rolls "the dick-me dice"
"Holy shit, that's a lot of dogs" -- my GM, before combat
I kinda want this day to be over but I have to DM a #Hyperborea session.
This is kinda necessary for many reasons
In #Hyperborea, players can explore a vast, perilous world filled with savage tribes, ancient ruins, and horrifying monsters. They can battle fearsome foes, cast powerful spells, and uncover lost treasures.
Since yesterday until the 28th of August there is a #Hyperborea 3E Bundle of Holding availuable! A lot of cool #ttrpg stuff for $13 plus you support a local wildlife rescue organization in New Hampshire. Check it out at https://bundleofholding.com/presents/Hyperborea3E if you like #osr.
#rpg #bundleofholding
#hyperborea #ttrpg #osr #rpg #bundleofholding
Also, #BundleOfHolding is doing a #Hyperborea 3rd Edition Bundle.
#bundleofholding #hyperborea #osr #ttrpg
One of my favourite OSR games has just launched on the Bundle of Holding.
Pretty good gateway to this weird fantasy retro-clone.
Check it out.
#hyperborea #osr #ttrpgs #ttrpg
Tag 3 "First RPG bought (this year)"
Ich habe dieses Jahr physikalisch zuerst das fabelhafte #Hyperborea 3Rd Edition gekauft, ein "Weird Science Fantasy" Clone von AD&D1 und... Zeugs von Jeffrey Talanian.
E-Books zählen bei mir - rein emotional - immer noch nicht so richtig, eigentlich ist mein erster Rollenspielkauf 2023 #ElectricBastionland von Chris McDowall bei (dt. Version bei @systemmatters ) gewesen, ein #IntotheOdd Abkömmling voller hinreißender Ideen.
#hyperborea #electricbastionland #intotheodd #rpgaday #rpgaday2023 #pnpde
Systems: #hyperborea #adnd #odnd #ForbiddenLands - really any #osr
Settings: #SwordAndSorcery #SwordAndPlanet #SwordAndSandal #Mesoamerican #AncientHistoy
Topics: #WorldBuilding #HexCrawl #DungeonDesign #sandboxing
#hyperborea #adnd #odnd #ForbiddenLands #osr #swordandsorcery #swordandplanet #swordandsandal #Mesoamerican #ancienthistoy #worldbuilding #hexcrawl #dungeondesign #sandboxing
So, the party gets on a boat going out of town.
We get served dinner. Which is poisoned. Because pirates. Who intended to take us to pirate central, etc
But our killing machine didn't eat. So five pirates are dead so far.
Torcán worships a god of thieves and backstabbers, so, while he's certainly going to do his part in asserting ownership of the boat, he has to respect the hustle.
Always love to talk about:
#Hyperborea and other #WeirdFantasy like #Conan2d20
Post Apocalyptic gaming a la #GammaWorld #MutantYearZero #MutantFuture even #MCC and currently itching for #Twilight2000
Neato OSR/NSR stuff like #Cairn #Runecairn #IntoTheOdd
#Westerns in film, tv and gaming like #WeirdFrontiers #HauntedWest and others
Also #AchtungCthulhu and #2300AD old and new
Gaming podcasts.
#Conan2d20 #hyperborea #weirdfantasy #gammaworld #MutantYearZero #mutantfuture #MCC #cairn #Runecairn #IntoTheOdd #westerns #WeirdFrontiers #HauntedWest #Twilight2000 #achtungcthulhu #2300AD
What are your Top 4 favourite tabletop RPG settings that were designed specifically for #TTRPGs (so no Warhammer, Star Wars, Conan, etc.)?
Here are mine
Hyperborea - Clark Ashton Smith, REH and HPL inspired weird fantasy.
2300AD - 300 years post Twilight War the nations of earth colonize the stars and find some things very unexpected.
Aeon Trinity - psychics battling mutated supers while making Earth a better place.
Gamma World - Gonzo post apoc
#ttrpgs #hyperborea #gammaworld #2300AD #aeontrinity
The stealthily moved into a high vantage point and then used one of the Necromancer PCs controlled zombies as a distraction before they fled, stealing the escape ladder. Hopefully, they weren't observed.
Moving deeper into the caves, they came upon one nest filled with larvae and then stumbled upon a cavern with a number of Giant Ants and Worms of Ymir (I've replaced using Aspis as I don't like them for #Hyperborea ) and a fight with the Ants ensued while the Worms of Ymir slithered away.
I'm gonna try posting on here more
This week I ran the 5th or 6th short session of A1 Slave Pits of the Undercity set in the and using the #Hyperborea rules.
I've set the ruined temple as a replacement of the Fane to Apollo near Cape Calencia.
This was the first session where the PCs entered the sewer level. Their entrance point was the nearest one to the end point of the sewer right by the BBEG and his squad of Daemon Picts and pet Giant Weasels...
If you want to understand my DM vibe for #Hyperborea then check out:
The music of: The Sword, Orange Goblin, Duel, Clutch, and All Them Witches
Read Clark Ashton Smith along with the Weird Fiction stuff ( basically before science fiction and fantasy were genres and it is kinda gonzo)
Look at the work of Moebius and Mike Hinge
I really need to make my game weirder but I also need time and opportunity
I'm the kinda geek/DM that will write software to automate some of my hobby. All if it mostly for #Hyperborea
I visited the discord server, not my thing but I check it infrequently, and someone asked for a tweak to a weather app, not mine.
So I decided to make that tweak to mine. I also futzed with the css to make it look a little better on my phone. Not sure I like the new look on my laptop
All the things
TIL (or last night, actually) how much Hold Person was nerfed in 3ed. It went from area affect up to 10' (and you can put a BUNCH of people in a 10' radius) to up to 4 people, with a bonus if you're holding one person.
I don't know if our bloodbath would've been nearly as one-sided under 3ed.