We published our open-access paper about damage mechanisms of air spring bellows and how to obtain a representative specimen design for cord-rubber composite materials.
The scripts for the simulation, including a Jupyter notebook which may be executed in Google Colab, is available on GitHub.
#hyperelasticity #damage #composite #rubber #cord #airspring #bellow #python #fea #finiteelements #scientificcomputing #scientific #opensource
#opensource #scientific #scientificcomputing #FiniteElements #fea #python #bellow #airspring #cord #rubber #composite #damage #hyperelasticity
The nonlinear snap-through characteristic of the inflation of a hyperelastic balloon/cushion, solved by FElupe & contique. https://felupe.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples/inflation.html #fea #solidmechanics #numericcontinuation #hyperelasticity #snapthrough #mechanics #python #scientific
#scientific #python #mechanics #snapthrough #hyperelasticity #numericcontinuation #SolidMechanics #fea
Numeric simulation of the twist of two connected nearly-incompressible rubber-like bars with circular cross-sections.
#fea #hyperelasticity #python #opensource #scientific #solidmechanics
#SolidMechanics #scientific #opensource #python #hyperelasticity #fea