Setsune Wave · @Setsune
92 followers · 135 posts · Server

But it's not just about buying things, of course. It's about making decisions about yourself, about what you'll do, and how that impacts others. And brain screm really loud any time my finger reaches toward the button, like Janet on the beach.

#thegoodplace #adhd #hyperfixation #selfdoubt

Last updated 1 year ago

Setsune Wave · @Setsune
92 followers · 135 posts · Server

You stop allowing yourself whims. Every interest needs to be tested multiple times, over a period of time, before I can start to carefully allow committing time or spending anything on it. It's rare I don't think several times about a purchase over days, weeks, in some cases months before I potentially allow it, which often leads to missing out on it. One of the reasons I despise FOMO marketing, but this also happens with standard short-run items too that can't get made forever, like fan and indie crafts.

#adhd #hyperfixation #selfdoubt #buyinghabits #fomo

Last updated 1 year ago

Setsune Wave · @Setsune
92 followers · 126 posts · Server

The fear of committing too hard and boxing yourself into an unwanted corner, having to potentially disappoint those you care about if you change your mind and need to back out, makes you increasingly hesitant to commit to anything.

#adhd #hyperfixation #selfdoubt

Last updated 1 year ago

Frustratedfairy · @Frustratedfairy
123 followers · 31 posts · Server

This is Himalayan Balsam, I have spent a few hours every day for the last few months on pulling this stuff out in my local nature reserve. I have removed thousands and thousands of them. It's an invasive species and there are other areas nearby where it has formed a "green desert" where nothing else can survive. I am determined my beautiful nature reserve will be protected!

I still find it an incredible plant and I am in awe of it despite my eradication mission! It grows so well in so many diverse habitats. I can be a tiny plant or 10 foot tall. Shaded or full sunlight. Damp or dry soil. If you leave a tiny bit of root left it will grow back. If you pull it up and there is some soil left it keeps growing.

#hyperfixation #balsambashing

Last updated 1 year ago

Ashlee of Jupiter · @ashleeofjupiter
359 followers · 410 posts · Server

My latest crafty hyperfixation is all things Cricut.

My machine hasn't even arrived yet and I can already feel myself getting burnt out from trying to gather information on the best materials and tools to buy 🙃 I was excited doing the research at first but I've gone off the deep end and I'm overwhelmed


#cricut #adhd #actuallyautistic #neurodivergent #craft #hyperfixation

Last updated 1 year ago

Emily Hoapili · @emilyhoapili
7 followers · 11 posts · Server

@HibaIssa I use Apple Music but am perusing the Spotify playlists to start one with songs I know I like and another for songs I don’t know but want to check out. Guess I know what my is for the next day or two!


Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
583 followers · 28826 posts · Server

"i love how whenever is like "i think (whatever ) is becoming kinda misrepresented " immediately jump to "yeah this is why self is wrong!!" deepthroat the a little faster why don't you"

"(gets annoyed at random people online misusing the word ) Surely the to this is to always defer to the of the all powerful all knowing . otherwise seeking and is wrong"


#someone #disorder #online #people #diagnosis #boot #hyperfixation #answer #authority #benevolent #prejudice #free #psychiatric #industry #help #Community

Last updated 1 year ago

Geno T. Skeptic · @Geno_Skeptic
39 followers · 33 posts · Server

Hyperfixations, am I right

#meme #hyperfixation

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew Linke · @andrew
342 followers · 83 posts · Server

Every now and then I get smacked upside the head with a little revelation. Tonight’s came while watching Maggie’s video on Wes Anderson:
I think movies are my hyperfixation. It’s… it’s the thing that I most easily connect with people over. I don’t feel quite myself unless I’ve watched a good narrative.

I’m half asleep and mostly taking a note for myself to think about tomorrow… but if anyone else feels like talking or I’m very interested.

#movies #autistic #hyperfixation

Last updated 2 years ago

JLSigman · @jlsigman
27 followers · 348 posts · Server

I think I might play some tonight on . I can't get it out of my mind.

#stardewvalley #twitch #autism #hyperfixation

Last updated 2 years ago

Jennifer Johnson · @SimplyJennifer
942 followers · 1310 posts · Server

I've found an end run around my latest . I want to play with making, and did need to buy a few things, but I'm dismantling part of my massive collection of costume “fashion” jewelry.

Dismantling jewelry is therapeutic and fun. I could just do this, lol.

#adhd #hyperfixation #jewelry

Last updated 2 years ago

Jessica :infinity_rainbow: · @Jessica
1036 followers · 2360 posts · Server

I fell into a hyperfixation earlier today, and didn't realise until a couple of hours had past.

I think it happened because I have a long ongoing special interest in pharmaceutical medications, particularly how they're marketed. I don't know why I find it all so fascinating, but I could watch American pharmaceutical commercials all day.

Anyway, it started with a news story, how weight loss drug Wegovy will be prescribed and dispensed in pharmacists this year in the UK. And oh my, did that set off a chain reaction in my head as I fell into my rabbit hole:

Why pharmacies and not GPs?
What counts as a weight-related medical problem?
How will the dose increases be monitored?
Are people getting enough nutrients if their appetite is so low?
Will the pharmacies provide the calorie restriction advice suggested by NICE last year?
What if you cannot afford it, will it also be on the NHS?
Why does the UK pamphlet not mention the rodents in the trial getting thyroid cancer, but the US one did?
Why are there so many warnings related to diabetes?
Did the non-placebo test group keep the weight off after they stopped taking the medicine?
There is lots of support in the US by the manufacturer, will this support be in the UK?
What happens when you're no longer classified as overweight, do you taper off, stop cold turkey or is there a maintaince dose?
Will there be similar shortages in the UK as in the US?
Why are there different needle sizes?
Why will it likely be so much cheaper in the UK?

I spent so much time reading up about Wegovy and similar drugs in newspaper articles and medical journals, reading what people said on Reddit, and reviewing the marketing information in the US by the manufacturer and in the UK by the pharmacies.

I finally came out it all and then realised the time 😐 Agh, how did I, and why did I, waste all that time researching a medication I'm never going to take? I don't want to lose weight 🤦‍♀️

#hyperfixation #actuallyautistic

Last updated 2 years ago

dreamwishes3 · @dreamwishes3
134 followers · 1100 posts · Server

I'm happily working away on projects, my of the moment.

I'm creating of searches for my favorite characters on different sites so I don't have to fight the to remember, will pull them out for me automatically, complete with tag lists and blacklists using either or URL tricks.

I'm learning this stuff as I go and it's been a lot of fun trying to figure out how these search URLs or functions get put together in different ways on sites

#nerd #regex #inoreader #adhd #rssfeed #hyperfixation #rss

Last updated 2 years ago

Frog · @dr3amfr0g
35 followers · 30 posts · Server

Why wouldn’t 3am be the perfect time to start obsessing over ways to move around furniture and measure stuff? Pfffttt. It’s great. Who needs sleep? Not I.

#sarcasm #why #hyperfixation #adhd

Last updated 2 years ago

Dave the Nomad (he/him) · @nomadave
167 followers · 701 posts · Server

Been thinking a lot about the discussion I had with some folks last week. Today I put together a "fixation coping plan" in my journal.

The biggest problem with my fixations is that they completely ruin my sense of well-being and balance, and all of my good, healthy habits go out the window.

The first version of my coping plan attempts to maintain some of my core habits, but minimize them and put them into a sort of maintenance mode.


#hyperfixation #adhd #neurodivergent

Last updated 2 years ago

ellesper✨ · @emi
14 followers · 48 posts · Server

i love it when i’m supposed to be asleep because i have work in the morning but instead my brain tells me i have to obsessively solve puzzles for 2 hours first

#hyperfixation #adhd #sudoku

Last updated 2 years ago

RamenCatholic 🐢 🌈 · @RamenCatholic
84 followers · 697 posts · Server

I think I'm on the concept of 🙄

#hyperfixating #hyperfixation

Last updated 2 years ago

Raine (Ray) · @deskmisfit
38 followers · 259 posts · Server

is when I am so into something that I do not notice when others just stop listening and I am mostly talking to a wall. Or I talk to an actual one. In my room. By myself. Laughing maniacally at the screen as I browse the world wide web for info on that one thing that my mind just cannot let go of. So, yeah, that's me - quiiite often actually.

#hyperfixation #personality

Last updated 2 years ago