... with SONIKCANDY ...
002 in COUNTDOWN 7 to 1.
loveBombsAway! #EDM #sonicXplosion #MUSICSTORY #maxbass #maxfuzz
#HYPERGLITCH - a new art style for a
#edm #sonicxplosion #musicstory #maxbass #maxfuzz #hyperglitch #audius
Hi ya'll.
Since I moved instances again, I thought I should do a #introduction for people on floe.earth.
I'm a part time IT guy in my mid-thirties, who sufferers from climate anxieties. Trying to live a minimalistic life. #noMeat #noCar #noAirplane.
Now to the fun stuff: When I'm not worrying about my future or protesting for a better one, l am distracted by diving into strange sound worlds (from #ambient to #hyperglitch), taking care of a community garden or riding my bike through Berlin.
#introduction #nomeat #nocar #noairplane #ambient #hyperglitch
@EDMvibes awesome! #HyperGlitch is max polyrhythm with genrebend to get rich new sounds - produced for joy. ~ : )
Dropping soon. 7 master tracks.