One of the only things that got me through the first six months of #hyperlactation, when I was spending as many as eight hours a day pumping milk because of how painful it was was #BirdWatching from our sunroom. I would be up at 4:30am or 5:00am watching and tracking the #nuthatches and #PileatedWoodpeckers and #Cardinals and #Goldfinches. I was in terrible pain but these happy birds at our feeders were always exciting. Today, I saw my first #BlueBird and want to cry. #BadPhoto
#badphoto #bluebird #goldfinches #cardinals #pileatedwoodpeckers #nuthatches #birdwatching #hyperlactation
#Introduction because #TwitterMigration
Lucie, 24 ans, #sagefemme libérale, #maman d'un petit Louis né en Avril 2022 ! ♥️
J'ai 3 #huskys , 1 #Potichat et à priori tout ce que je dis mène inévitablement à une Shitstorm 🙃
Sinon, j'allaite mon fils, le Lactarium du coin et mon congélateur parce que j'ai une ✨ #hyperlactation ✨
Et puis je râle, beaucoup. Et je raconte ma vie, beaucoup. 💖
#introduction #twittermigration #sagefemme #maman #Huskys #potichat #hyperlactation