Nein, #Microsoft, auch bei #Hyperlinks, die ich aus #Outlook heraus öffne, will ich nicht #Edge verwenden, sondern #Firefox:
Microsofts unentwegt nervende #Zermürbungstaktik geht zumindest in meinem Fall nach hinten los. Privat bin ich auf Linux umgestiegen.
#microsoft #hyperlinks #outlook #edge #firefox #zermurbungstaktik
🆕 blog! “Never use a URL shortening service - even if you own it”
The Guardian launched its online adventures back in 1999. At some point, they started using the name "Guardian Unlimited". Hey, the dot com boom made us all do crazy things! As part of that branding, they proudly used the domain Over time, the branding faded and GU.…
👀 Read more:
#guardian #hyperlinks #newspapers #url #web
#guardian #hyperlinks #newspapers #url #web
Simply posting hyperlinks to news or content doesn't get much engagement on Mastodon.
Take some effort, give the link some context, a little personality and attach some #hyperlinks
Force #inpost #hashtags & #hyperlinks to same #Color
.status-link {
color: #fca3b7 !important;
#codewisteria #mastodon #css #inpost #hashtags #hyperlinks #color #fca3b7
I’m getting closer to both short status and #blog content onto the #fediverse and #IndieWeb from my main site. Here’s what a recent post looks like when read via #Mastodon. I like that the permalink is at the top, there are proper #hyperlinks in the body and #hashtags at the bottom that can be used to search for similar posts on one’s own instance.
Unfortunately, #WordPress really wants post titles and the page title noticeably misses them to the left of the — em dash.
#blog #fediverse #indieweb #mastodon #hyperlinks #hashtags #wordpress
@inquiline @Carwil @aristeon Having never really used Twitter (registration on Tor without #PersonallyIdentifyingInformation was crippled and so was it more generally in my country), I don't really get much of the desire for that feature as it seems to me that #hyperlinks have provided sufficient referencing capacity since #Usenet and #MailingLists.
That also ties into the notification aspect, as you can't really be sure you'll be used as reference solely within #Mastodon or the #Fediverse.
#personallyidentifyinginformation #usenet #mailinglists #fediverse #hyperlinks #mastodon
Just found out that you can make #hyperlinks to distribuion's #desktop #software center! When I hover this link on #Okular website, it shows:
I click it, and #AppStream-compatible #Pamac GUI opens up on my #Manjaro. My consensus is that many #download pages could make opening #package details on #Linux click-away with the help of such #link, hence faster #setup.
#hyperlinks #desktop #software #okular #appstream #pamac #manjaro #download #package #linux #link #setup #webdev #webux #ux #ui #html #flatpack #aur
Remember, in this scenario terms are denoted by #hyperlinks that resolve to descriptions (in the form of an entity relationship graph).
You simply lookup what's denoted and agree or disagree with what you find 😀
/cc @vrandecic @nichtich
@Voline Good to know!
That should encourage #hashtags in the way that weblogs encouraged #hyperlinks back in the day
Ich hab mich mit für #Hyperlinks, den Podcast von , über #Indymedia unterhalten und wie es dazu kam, dass tausende Medienaktivist*innen vor über 20 Jahren ein internationales aktivistisches Netzwerk auf die Beine gestellt haben:
'..researchers hypothesized that people who used the links would gain a richer understanding of the two theories and their differences than would people who read the pages sequentially, completing one before going on to the other. They were wrong. The test subjects who read the pages linearly actually scored considerably higher on a.. #comprehension test than those who clicked back and forth between the pages. The links got in the way of learning, the researchers concluded.' #hyperlinks
#datenschutz #dsgvo #webseiten #hyperlinks
Externe Links auf Webseiten: Was ist zu beachten?
Aus Datenschutzgründen sind Social Media Plugins wie die von Facebook oder Twitter hochkritisch.
Wie sieht es mit einer Verlinkung auf Social Media Plattformen und andere Webseiten aus?
Die Frage nach der Verantwortlichkeit trifft jeden Betreiber einer Webseite, der externe Verlinkungen auf seiner Internetpräsenz nutzt.
#datenschutz #dsgvo #Webseiten #hyperlinks
One question we like to ask, is who benefits from this #divisive arrangement. Who even made that phrase, #ToxicMasculinity? Where did it come from?
Last February, leaders in #Australia effectively tried to attack the notion of online #hyperlinks because Facebook is too big, and is crushing journalists. The #dotCon responded by simply breaking news links in Australia.
Australia caved to…
#divisive #toxicmasculinity #australia #hyperlinks #dotcon
#Mastodon und #Twitter sind jeweils #Editoren und #Publikationswerkzeuge für #Hypertext // #Web2.0 als #Reentry von #HTML in #Computer
#Hyperlinks #Setzen funktioniert entsprechend #Markdown im Unterschied zu #Markup wie bei HTML
#Verzicht auf #kompliziert(e) #Befehle. #Hashtag genügt.
#Kollaborativ(es) #Arbeiten wird #ermöglicht, indem der zu editierende Hypertext aus sich akkumulierenden #Elementen #zusammengestückelt wird als #Tweets und #Toots
#mastodon #twitter #editoren #publikationswerkzeuge #hypertext #web2 #reentry #html #computer #hyperlinks #setzen #markdown #markup #verzicht #kompliziert #befehle #hashtag #kollaborativ #arbeiten #ermöglicht #elementen #zusammengestückelt #tweets #toots #kollaboration #akkumulation #ermöglichung